
study in New Zealand

  I’m going to talk about my daughter’s studying abroad in March.
  At her university, there is a optional program of studying abroad.

 The program is called SUSAP :Saga University Study Abroad Program.  The admission office let go the students Monash University in Australia,  University of Auckland in New Zealand, Chinese University of HongKong in China, Daegu Univ. and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in Korea.

   Those four corse used to be three weeks. She used to hope to go to Monash University in Australia.But she was informed the this year the Australia course would be two weeks. So she changed her mind to go to New Zealand.

   She took the examination to be selected this program. Fortunately she has passed and got the grant of one hundred thousand yen.

   She was informed the cost was about four hundred seventy thousand yen. She has been worked on every Saturday and Sunday.
In late December she asked me to give her money. At that time she earned seventeen thousand yen. So I gave her three hundred thousand yen. She will get one hundred thousand yen from the university, I told her she might deposit the money as prepaid traveler’s card for her allowance.

   That program is managed by the university and a tour company deals with. So I have nothing to do. I searched in Internet what kind of cellular phone or smart phone is convenient for traveler in New Zealand. There are three telecommunications companies. I wonder which is better to use rent SIM or rental phone or anything else.

 While I was chatting with a woman who was working at another high school, we used to live at the same apartment house before, she said her daughter went to study in New Zealand recently. I asked her how her daughter managed the cellular phone. She said her daughter used her au phone after some procedure. In Auckland there are many Wi-Fi spots, and she communicated mainly via LINE. As the result it cost not so much.
  I texted my daughter that. She may do the same way.
 In Auckland the students go to the Auckland university and take lessons. In last one day or two days they will go another places in New Zealand. About residence, she will be informed which home to stay soon.
  The program is from 7 March to end of March. As soon as she will come back the new school term will start.
  I hope it will be helpful for her life.

 それはSUSAP--佐賀大学の海外留学プログラムとよばれている。モナッシュ大学(オーストラリア メルボルン)オークランド大学(ニュージーランド オークランド)香港中文大学(中国 ホンコン) 大邱大学校 浙江理工大学(韓国 大邱 浙江)へ行ける。



 ある女性としゃべっていたとき —彼女は別な学校に勤めている人で以前同じアパートに住んでいた--娘さんが最近ニュージーランドに留学した話をした。娘さんは携帯はどうしたのか聞いてみた。何か手続きをしてauの携帯電話を持って行ったそうだ。オークランドではWi-Fiがつながるところがいっぱいあるし、連絡はLINEを使うので、通信費はそんなにかからなかったそうだ。

 25 Jan. 2015

a lecture about Henoko

    On 24 January, I attended a lecture, which I learned about the right of collective self-defense and why the military base relocation to Henoko should not be allowed.
    In the morning, Mr. Shigeru Handa who is a journalist gave us a lecture.
    He explained how P.M.Abe had been deceiving people while he intend to send the Self Defense Force to foreign war.
    For example, he told people if a mother and her children were on board an American worship to escape from troubled areas, the Self Defense Force should guard the warship. But afterward a lawmaker asked P.M.Abe if U.S. Army let foreign citizens get on board or not, then he replied “No, they don’t”.
   I think he had good skill to persuade people with very slight reason.

   In the afternoon, we heard Mr. Ryuji Yamamoto’s lecture. He is a teacher works for an elementary school in Okinawa prefecture.
   His lecture was amazing. He talked Okinawa post war history, which most of us were unfamiliar with.
   From 1941 to 1945 the Japanese army built fifteen airports in Okinawa. During the Okinawa battle, one third of people, one hundred fifty thousand people were killed. Almost all the field were ruined and citizen were taken to prison.
   While the native people were in prison, the U.S. Army built airports based on the previous Japanese Army’s airports, without the land owners’ permission.
   It was a violation of Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, which U.S. had agreed.
  Though Japan and U.S. concluded Treaty of San Fransisco in 1952, at that time Okinawa was not Japan. So Japanese government and U.S. government relocated most of U.S. bases to Okinawa.
   Because as an independent nation, it was improper to have foreign army such as 500000 troops.
   But after Okinawa returned to Japan in 1972, the U.S. bases has been remained. Up to 1972, the bases had been against the law, but Japanese government didn’t negotiate to return the bases’ land to legitimate owners.
   Okinawa people treasures their ancestors and tombs. The tombs are now under the runways. So people live around the bases even if it is uncomfortable from noises.
   To speak strictly, the Futenma airport can’t be called “airport”. It is not applied the aviation law. There are houses in the clear zone, it is just a military facility, Marine Corps Air Station, Futenma.
    Speaking of Futenma, I’ve been convinced that Henoko is alternative of moving out Futenma.
  “If you want Futenma base to return to landowner, you must find out somewhere else substitute land.” that was ex-President Clinton’s word. “The expenses must be paid by Japan.”
     They considered where was suitable, it was difficult question. At last Henoko was chosen, ——I’ve heard like this.
     But it’s not true.
    In 1966, the Department of Defense had drawn a plan of Henoko base. It was the  same plan of 2002. Now it have changed a little. But anyway they have kept planning to use Henoko.
   At Henoko there is Oura bay which has the enough depth for naval port. U.S. needs a navel station for sty the Marines.
  It was not for exchange of Futenma, they kept on demanding naval port. If Henoko base would be built, they could gain a runway and a port.
  It is very good idea for U.S.Army, contrary to local environment and people.
     The governor of Okinawa prefecture has been elected with describing he is against Henoko plan.
     After the Okinawa people’s opinion has shown, Japanese government should declare out the plan and stop the construction immediately.

    Mr. Yamamoto’s lecture was incredibly interesting. I am lucky to have heard it.
    I have learned how little I know about modern history. I had not imagined that was interesting before I met Mr. Yamamoto.

 1月24日 講座を聞きにいった。集団的自衛権と米軍基地の辺野古移設はなぜ許されないかを学習した。

 それは、独立国なのに外国の軍隊が50万人も駐留するのは 都合が悪いから。
 しかし、1972年 沖縄が返還されてからも米軍基地は残った。1972年までは米軍基地は法律に違反していた。しかし、日本政府は基地を本来の地権者に返還するように交渉しなかった。


25 Jan. 2015


Hita Music Power

 On 17 Jan, in Saturday evening, there was a music event at CMVC, In Chuo-machi, Hita city.

   I’ve found that information maybe one month before, in CMVC Facebook. “Hita Music Power”.
   But the owner wrote, about this event he would just rent the space. Hence I have had no idea where the ticket is sold.
After that, in the beginning of January, I’ve read an article about that event on “Hita Style”, the free paper delivered with Nishinihon Shinbone to our library.
 I’ve wrote an email to an address which directed to ask. I texted him to ask how to get the ticket. He replied me to tell my name to a reception so they would offer me advance ticket’s price.

  I was interested in that event because it was introduced as a high school students’ dance performance.
On the day I was not sure what time it would start, I searched in twitter. I found a few tweets, one of them told reader the date and place and added “Please spread sincerely”.

   When I arrived at CMVC twenty minutes before six, there were many young people in small groups.
  I went to Patria to use toilet, after five minutes I returned to there, then two women started to check the tickets. She made us line in zigzag. About twenty people in a line four rows. A boy whispered the guys after him “Stand at half arms’ length”. It was funny.

   I thought there were about one hundred minors and about ten adults in the studio.
   A correspondent of HitaStyle talked with Mr. Yahata, who was the promortor.

  At the event  I saw two dancers and heard two singers. All of them were Hita Mikuma high  school students. In the audience it seemed to be many   Hita-Mikuma high students and a few Tohin high students.
   I’ve confirmed again that CMVC has admirable acoustics. I’m a beginner at this business, but not only the good speakers but also the wall and floor materials is excellent.
   It would be nice if I have had such a cool room in my house.

そのお知らせはたぶん、ひと月ほど前にCMVCのフェイスブックで気づいたのだ、Hita Music Power。


 CMVCに6時20分前に着いたとき若い人たちが 三々 五々 いた。




18 Jan 2014

Hita Rinko orchestra annual concert

On 7th January I went to Hita-Rinko wind orchestra annual concert held at Patria Hall.
  It has been a few years since I heard them last.
I expected an enjoyable concert their specialty.
First I was surprised at the marching tune. Though that stage was not wide enough, they were good at the drill. According to the pamphlet, they played at Housetenbos Marching Band Feista last summer.

 The following pieces of music were so nice. I liked the “Great promised land, Genghis Khan” so much. It reminded me vast plain.
 They looked being so satisfied. It is so nice people have something devote all their high school life.
The hall was almost filled to capacity.

On 10January, I went to Oita city to attend a meeting and a new year party of our labor union.
The meeting began at ten then ended at eleven thirty, After that the new year party was going to start at noon.

When it was closing to noon, an unusual racket came from the parking lot under the window. We were in a room on second floor.
There was a sound car of rightwing. They had taken the trouble to come to disturb our new year party.
Who did they disliked? Diet members? Local assemblymen?  Or labour union?
If one of them asked me something, I could reply. But he was just shouting and his words blurred.
It was nuisance.

I considered how did the foreign person living in Japan who faced to such Hate speech feel.
That act is stupid, but a kind of stupidness makes me feel eeriness.
 It was just a harassment, if they wanted to appeal something, they failed.

1月7 日 日田林 工の吹奏楽部の定期演奏会を聴きにパトリアに行った。2、3年ぶりに聴くことになる。

続く曲もとても良かった。「大いなる約束の地 チンギスハ-ン」が特に良かった。広大な大地が目に浮かんだ。

1月10日 大分市に労働組合の会議と旗開きに行った。

彼らは誰に文句があるのだろう? 国会議員? 地方自治体の議員? それとも労組?


13 Jan. 2014