
iMac repair

    On 17th October, I went to Tenjin Fukuoka,
    There was a mingled meeting of who going to study abroad and who has just came back at an English language company.

   I drove through Chikushuno, Kasuga,Takamiya, Yakuin. This time I had not got lost.
I parked my car in Imaizumi. First, I went to Apple Tenjin branch. Because my iMac had been out of order from September. I called the support center. The person told me if I want to repair it by picking up service it would cost 50000 yen. At that time I was going to go Vancouver and didn’t have enough time.  Until October I could get along without the iMac.       

    But I had the opportunity to go to Fukuoka on 17 Oct, I took the chance. I took it to Apple Tenjin.
   The person told me to come again at 4 pm, as I had not an appointment. I deposited it.
Then I went to EF Fukuoka office in Daimyo ward. It was far only one block from Apple.

    On the day people who gathered were all adult, Two of them had been EF Chicago school. I had been EF Vancouver school. The other five people were going to study abroad in coming spring.
   First we practiced English conversation with a teacher who come from Ireland.
Then talked each other over a cup of coffee and snacks. We exchanged LINE ID, and made a group.
     One of them has been a backpacker. He instructed us a useful APP, Maps.me.
     It finished 5 minutes to 4:00 pm. I went to Apple Tenjin.

    The shop clerk explained me, if the power unit was out of order, the replacement was needed, it cost 12000 yen. If the replacement won’t be effective, it would be needed to replace the substrate, it cost 68000 yen.
    I decided to repair in case the power unit replacement would be effective. If not, I’ll throw it, The clerk checked the sticker for recycle and agreed.
   He will call in from three to a week.

   We talked about the new iPad Pro. I asked him, I had thought I need iMac not only iPad, the new one also need a mac? He told me, it had been thought, but iPad Pro may not need a mac. It will be useful only itself. After I have known that, if my i
21 Oct. 2015

    Today I went to Apple Tenjin to pick up my Mac. It has repaired after replaced the power unit. I’m so glad.

24 Oct. 2015


Arther Binard's lecture

On 10th Octorber, a lecture was held in Nakatsu city. The lecturer was Arthur Binard.
 He takled about the newly enacted security legislation. When the ruling parties railroaded the legislation through the Diet,he was in U.S. It had been planned.
 While staying in U.S.,he read sevelal newspapers.And found no articles about Japan's security law. He said the reason. If there's something new or something odd,they will write about it as a news. But it has been same through post world war 2. The security law and my number are demanded from U.S. From the view of U.S., Japan has been same,has been obeying.

Then he talked about Natsume Soseki's haiku. 
叩かれて夏の蚊を吐く木魚かな  He said it is very difficult to translate in English.
吹井戸やぽこりぽこりと真桑瓜  It might be
These two are both in old texts. He has serched the original text,but still unsure which is true.

He alarted being sensitive about detail of words.
For example,"100 million total activity society". He suggested it's similar with 100 million honable death. At that time,people who made the slogan didn't count themselves in the 100 million.

He had given nine digit number when he was twelve years old. It was social se curity number. Now people in U.S. are lgiven the number at the maternity hospital. It is similar to a brand on a livestock.
Japanese people has been opposit the system during it had been called "Sousebangou". But when it called "My number", it sounds similar to "My car" "My home".
He is anxious about reforming of the constitution. He explaned,the constitutions of France or U.S. are imported.American constitution is taken from Magna Carta, French constitution is taken from U.S.
The constitution makes the government's power be regulated.
He said he had read the draft of the constitution of LDP. He felt it looked like the Imperial Japan's constitution.
The constitution of Imperial Japanese was written with reference to the constitution of the Kingdom of Prussia. It was established in a manner that Emperor Meiji bestowed it on his subjects.(a constitution enacted by the emperor)
 He says, the constitution brakes the govrrmnent's power. The people who has survibed from the "100 million honourable death" want to back the constitution to the previous one.

During the previous world war, the word "valuable life" was a taboo word. If you said,you must be under arrest.
Now,at the Peace celemony, the Prime minister and the mayer of Hiroshima used this word. Under the present constitution, we say this word safely.
That's the matter, people who called "valuable lives" in PM's adress were not allowed use the word when they were alive. PM had rewritten the history.

Auther Binard's lecture was very fun and instructive.

23 Oct. 2015