
an accident

On first Dec. I was surprised. As soon as I had arrived at my work place, I had a phone call. It was from my son's homeroom teacher.
He said he had called from my son telling he had a traffic accident. Immediately I headed the place. My son had left home at 7:15 a.m. Then he had an accident about 7:30 a.m. He was riding a motor bike on the wide road. A car was on a narrow path was coming near the intersection. He must stop the intersection. He did imperfectly. My son's motor bike bumped against the car and fallen. When I was arrived two police men, two teachers, the driver and the driver's mother were there. The police talked me take my son a hospital to make sure.
We went to see a neurosurgery doctor. The doctor x-rayed my son's brain. I felt relieved when he told me there was no bleeding in his brain.But he said to me take care of my son for 24 hours after he had hit his brain.
Though the day he was going to have a term exam, we dropped in school to tell his teacher he would be absent,and I took him to home. Fortunately he had no trouble afterward.
I had a lots to do. To contact the motor bike shop, meeting from the driver's insurance company, calling to my insurance company. telling the driver's mother about my son's condition.
I have to go to police with my son later. I wish every thing go through soon.

On the next day, second Dec. Friday was my son's birth day. I picked them up after school then went to a supermarket. We bought a sponge cake, strawberry and banana. After dinner, my daughter made a fancy birthday cake. She made well. It was yummy.



4 Dec. 2011


"Unhooking the Moon" is great!

"Unhooking the Moon" is great!

While last weekend I enjoyed reading "Unhooking the moon". The author is Gregory Hughes, it is published in U.K.
A boy and his younger sister were lives with there father in Winnipeg. The girl l's name was Marie Claire but she was called Rat. She is so attractive, loves playing soccer. She wished to be an actress. And she was a little odd.
The boy's name was Bob. When he was almost thirteen their father died. They were known at the first time that their father's younger brother lived in New York as a drug dealer.
Bob thought, if they were sent to a home, he would be O.K. but Rat wouldn't. She might be sent to a hospital. So they went to New York. They got on a freight train with their rucksacks and bikes.
It was hard to seek a man in big city. While they were sleeping in a park, they felt so scared. It was so thrilling. They made friends with a young trader, old hustler, and a rap singer Iceman.
When Rat was kidnapped by a pedophile group, they rescued her and other girls who also kidnapped. Rat helped them escape telling them that Ice was on his way. She trusted his brother and Ice.
But there was a gunfight. Ice was shoot three times. In spite of he rescued many kids, he was sued for he shot an enemy.
On the other hand, when they found their uncle a friend was shoot by a security guard. He was injured.

Rat was so exhausted.How pitiful she was! Nothing hurt her so much as let her friends hurt. Her doctor said she had separated herself from reality and found her own little world.

This is a book for children. But I recommend it anyone who lives innocent heroine.
If you love "Starry Rift" or "Kami no moribito", you must love this story. The story that a girl fight for something good. She is so brave, courageous and sincere.

If there's someone who say children's books might well have happy ends. But I say her "It's O.K. Don't worry." Even if it's looks a tragedy.
If I was in something trouble, I could be patient because I have the heroine in my mind. Even if it was not happy end, she tried her best. That remains other people's mind. It is like a little seed which is handed others.
So I recommend those books to children.





  25 Nov. 2011


A lecture of SSH

On 4 November I went to Hita high school to hear Prof. Kitahara's lecture, which was formed part of SSH curriculum. It was held for students but it was also open for parents and citizens. Kazuo Kitahara is a professor of Graduate school of Mathematics and Science Education at Tokyo University of Science. I partly noted.

The title was 'Science and Conscience'.
He had been interested in comprehending the low prompted the phenomena. Thus he studied abroad to Belgium at Prof.Ilya Prigogine.
In Europe he was surprised to see people arguing over the theory of evolution. He noticed that studying linked to weltanschauung - a comprehensive view of the world and human life.
The word "science" contains "scio" ,in Latin "know". The "scientia" equals "to know". The "con" means "together", so "con" and "scientia" means "know together". It has two meaning, first, common knowledge, second, to know oneself. Why to know oneself?
Because to know both the subject and the object at the same time equals to know oneself. "Rational ethics is important", he said.
Why is it important to recognize the world and to share knowledge?
It is need to think global. With spreading the transportation and communication, our world has become global. Besides atmospheric and ocean circulation infects climate change.
The cosmic phenomenon relates to us as atoms which construct human body. The mankind is inconspicuous existence among all the lives on the earth.
What is the purpose of using science knowledge? It is necessary for all the people having science mind as conscience.
He is working for "Education for Sustainable Development". The lecture is a part of its work.

To me it was a little difficult to follow him. But it reminds me Jeffery David Sacks. So I read his article again, "The Power of one".
---The Power of One TIME, canadian edition / march 24. 2008
article by Jeffery Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University

Ours is the generation that can end extreme poverty, turn the tide against climate change and head off a massive, thoughtless and irreversible extinction of other species.
Ours is the generation that can, and must, solve the unresolved conundrum of combining economic wellbeing with environmental sustainability.
We will need science, technology and proffessionalism, but most of all we need to subdue our fears and cynicism.
I think it's very important for the students to conscious of the reason to learn. I realized that knowledge should be taken by everybody. For the purpose one must be aware of intelligibility.
I should try to learn more and to communicate with others lest I miss the common knowledge.

11月4日 日田高校にSSH(スーパーサイエンスハイスクール)の一環である北原教授の講演会を聞きに行きました。生徒向けでしたが、保護者、一般市民にも公開されていました。 北原和夫氏は東京理科大学大学院の科学教育研究科の教授です。 ところどころメモしました。

 scienceは scio ラテン語で「知る」を含みます。scientia は「知ること、知識」と同じです。con は「共に」という意味です。それで con と scientia で「共に知る」という意味になります。これは二つの意味があって、ひとつめは「知識の共有」ふたつめは「自らを知る」です。なぜ、自らを知るになるのでしょうか。それは知る主体と対象を両方同時に知ることは自らを知ることにつながるからです。「合理的倫理性が大切だ」と言いました。

     ーーひとつの力  タイム カナダ版 ’08 3月 24日号
       ジェフリー・サックス コロンビア大学地球研究所長



  6 Nov. 2011


Green co-op sample fair

On 23rd October, there was a sample fair of Green co-op at HitaKusu industrial development center.
The makers which trade their products with Green co-op gathered, and members tasted samples or received explanation.
I invited my neighbor and my daughter and went to there together. Many Green co-op members and their families and acquaintances participated.
We ate various foods. I liked baked dried mushrooms after soaking in water and restored.
I ate some bread and pastry made from domestic wheat flour, those were delicious.
I ate some kind of fried fish paste, which tasted good. Also grilled chicken, sausage, sardine and pickled vegetables were delicious.
I was explained about toilet paper and tissue paper made from recycled paper.
Also I had heard about cosmetics, which cosmetics should I use to care of my skin.
I tried nuts, buiscuits, and frozen pineapple and mango. Some of those I haven't bought yet. Those will be on the catalog in the future, I tried samples. I like Goto Udon, which run through my throat smoothly, so if it will be on the gift catalog, I'll choose it.
I ate a sunny-side up egg, which was laid from chicken raised up with domestic feed. It was nice.
I received a toilet roll and a pack of rice balls.
I was glad to see my neighbor also pleased with those products. I hope she will join Green co-op.


  27 October 2011


Fukushima :why is it born the atmic village?

've read a very interesting book, "Fukushima :Why is it born the atomic village?" ,written by Hiroshi KAINUMA.

He describes the following facts and thoughts.
The local village, which has become --what they call --"happy" from having nuclear power plants.
With modernization and civilization, the disparity of urban cities and abandoned villages is increasing.
Before the nuclear power plants have built, the villages were already colonized, --military installations, coal mine, working away from home--.

If you say ,"It's dangerous", or "I pity local people", your view point is as same as promoters' who look from center.

The reality, even post 3・11 the candidate who is for the nuclear power plant is elected at there.

In this book, the author Hiroshi KAINUMA explains elaborately.

Though I'm not familiar with social study, I was shocked same as I had read "The study of sexy gals" written by Chizuko UENO.

There is a system that the government grant money to the municipal which accept nuclear plants.
I should remember the people couldn't help to depend on it.

By the way, I think Mr. Edano shouldn't refer to the resignation of the president of Kyusyu electric company. Because the emperor shown to have no clothes. That's we who support him and the company.

 とても面白い本を読みました。開沼博の『フクシマ論 原子力ムラはなぜ生まれたのか』です。
 近代化 文明化をよしとする国にあって、都市ととり残された地方の差は拡大


  October 20th 2011


Back Home

On the other day I've read "Back home" written by Michelle Magorian.
During the World War 2 there were children of U.K. who evacuated to the U.S.
 This is a story about a girl, one of them. After being evacuated five years, Rusty came back home to Britain. She suffered as finding nowhere feeling her place in her family.
As same as her, her mother bewildered because her daughter grown up a stranger. With suffering both of them become understanding each other little by little.
It was so thought-provoking book.

How are the children around Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. I had an idea that I can accept two evacuates, because two of my four children had left home.

But actually it is stressful for a child separated from his/her family. I don't know which is better the risk and another risk of falling ill in the future from exposing to the radioactive material internal organs.



 17 October 2011


My mother's moving

On last Sunday, my third-eldest son, my daughter, and I went to Kagoshima pref. First, we dropped in Kagoshima city, where I picked up my second-eldest son. Then we went to Kaseda, Minamisatsuma city.
In the end of last month, my mother was released from the hospital after three years. Her doctor didn’t allow her live alone. My brother found a institution that to be open on September in Kaseda.
My mother agreed, and she moved in the institution.
This institution named “Casa Branka” is a complexed institution, which has 24 apartment houses rent for only advanced years, 29 care homes, and day services including short-stay for 25 persons.
My mother seemed not adapted there yet.
My mother’s apartment is in the first floor, faced a small garden, there are bed-room, and living-room. There are also bathroom, restroom, and kitchen. In the bathroom, restroom and bed-side there are call buttons. If any emergency, a stuff will come.
She can cook her meals or can take meals at the restaurant of the institution.
I brought a prepaid cell phone because I had been asked by my brother to talk my mother into using a cell phone. I showed her how to use it. The prepaid phone is available to next April, so until then she can think about her new cell phone. She seemed to be very confused for it was her first experience using a cell phone. I expect she would become familiar day by day.
Her apartment is located in town, which is convenient for for shopping or going for a walk. But she isn’t trying to go out yet.
She used to be active and an earnest worker. I can’t be adapted the gap between who she was in the old days and who she is now.
Maybe also my brother, his family and other relatives can’t.
Still she is out of hospital, she isn’t sick now. I had best not demand her more.


5th October 2011


Mt.Oogi hiking

On a week last Sunday, I took my third eldest son to Saga city. He took an employment examination.
 The examination started at 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
 While the examination I had to kill time. I went to a movie theater. I saw “The man from nowhere” which is a 2010 South Korean film starring Won Bin.
The man fought for a neighbor girl. The violence was the solution. Fortunately the good person had won. But if the bad person had won the girl couldn’t live.
I’m glad it was a movie.
 And there was a scene which I adored. The good man bought a rucksack stuffing various stuff which children need for her. Because once he had seen her caught by police for attempted robbing a rucksack from a school boy. She was blamed by the boy’s mother. He saw that but he passed away.
 After he had rescued her, he bought her a rucksack. I was moved, ‘cause he knew that every child needs such stuff --a rucksack, a sketchbook, a crayon, et al. It is hard to a child being not given such stuff because of poverty.
 After that I went to Saga city library. It was near a park. I could have a good time.

 On last Sunday, I took mu third eldest son to Beppu city. He took an employment exam.
 The examination was from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
 This time, while I was waiting him, I had gone hiking.
 Near Beppu I.C. there is Mt. Oogi. I climbed it.
The sloop was so steep. My breath had shortened. Every five minutes I took deep breath. The higher I got, the more beautiful the view became. I could see the whole Beppu Bay and the Beppu city. The summit was 810m height.
I was tired but I enjoyed thanks to the fine weather.
 After I climbed down, I went to Horita Hot Spring. I bathed under the sky.
And I was reading a book in the rest room in the building.
This is the first time I went to there. It was so nice hot spring cost only two hundred and ten yen. I want to go there again.




26 September 2011


A short trip

My son and daughter and I went to Tokyo on 10th Sep.
My son took an employment examination of a public service of Tokyo 23 ward.
My daughter and I had gone together. I thought if we had traveled together he had not get nervous. Moreover we were worried about my eldest son in Tokyo.

On 10th we flew from Fukuoka airport at 8 a.m. After we arrived at Tokyo we visited the Kokugakuin University where the exam was to be held on the next day. We walked from Ebisu station to Omotesando station. I lost my way twice, for I had passed the corner where I had to turn right or left.
Then we went to Yoyogi park station by subway. I wanted to go to a bakery nere the station. We ate sandwich there. Then we went to a hotel where I had made a reservation. It was in Akasaka.
We let my son let stay at the hotel, then my daughter and I went to Harajuku by subway. We went to LaFole Harajuku and H&M. My daughter found nice shirt and sweater. She bought them. Also she found very stylish half pants. But those were too expensive to buy.
On next day, we went to Kokugakuin University. My son went to the building, and my daughter and I went to Sibuya. We went to Miyashita park, where we were waiting for the shops open.
Then we enjoyed shopping at Shibuya109, Forever21, H&M and Yamada denki. We had made an appointment to see my eldest son at 2 a.m. at Hachi ko statue area. After finished the exam, my third eldest son came to Shibuya. We talked at a cake shop.
My eldest son had pierced his chin and tongue. It was my first experience to see a person who pierced his tongue. If he was hanging around in Hita city, he might stand out. But in Shibuya he was ordinary.
I am worried to hear my third eldest son exited the exam room before the limited time, though he said he had looked over twice.
After we said goodbye we went to Haneda airport, then flew to Fukuoka airport.




15 Sep. 2011

A lecture about escaping nuclear power

On September 6th I went to Patoria Hall to hear a lecture about escaping nuclear power.
It was held by Hita prevent global warming association.
They has been holding several lectures of environmental issues. This time, Mr. Yu Tanaka had come to Hita city. He told us about Fukushima nuclear power plant and other nuclear power plants in Japan.
He taught us how to prevent taking radioactive matters. He said we need special care of children and babies in pregnant women. They are sensitive ten times more than adults.
He told green vegetables and fermented foods were effective to discharge radioactive matters. He said beer was good, then the audience was glad, actually the malt was good. He advised us to boil vegetables and throw the boiled water out,or pour into vinegar.

He said the electric power charge of Japanese power company is more expensive than other advanced countries. The nuclear power plant cost so much. But the government allow them to shift the expenses on to the customers. The electric power rate is decided with estimating the facilities and equipments. This system motivate the company to invest more. The electric companies put big money into advertisement, so that they can control mass media. From the same reason they can control voting a governor.
Electric power companies monopolize the production and distributing power business.
He emphasized that changing that system was very important.

The more power you use, the more you charged. But about companies, the more they use, the less it costs. The power charge system is designated like this.
It helps to appear peak demand of electric power in daytime. The facilities are built based on peak demand. So if you decrease the peak demand you don’t need another power plant.

As an individual, I can make effort to try to save energy. I can choice appliances more energy save effective when I have to buy new one.
And I want to choice bank which doesn’t have Kyusyu electric power company’s stock. The main investors of Kyuden agree with nuclear power. I disagree it.
If I’ll have opportunity I’ll deal with Jonan Shinyo Kinko, The bank manifests that they are against the nuclear power plant.
I hope the monopoly system will be changed and alternative energy business will grow up.

 9月6日 パトリア日田に脱原発の講演を聞きに行きました。日田温暖化防止協議会が主催しました。いままで何度か環境問題の講演会を行ってきました。今回は田中優さんが日田市に来ました。福島原発のことと日本中の他の原発のことを話しました。



8 Sep. 2011


Born in Sin

Born in sin / by Evelyn Coleman First edition January 2003

I’ve started reading this book in late July and finished on 18 Aug.2011.
While I was reading it I had been concentrated.
Keisha lives with her mother, her elder sister, her elder sister’s baby, and younger brother. Her mother earns money with working maid’s job at a hotel. She is a smart girl and hopes to become a doctor. She is making effort at school and gets good grades.
In a summer she had sent an at-risk children’s program instead of her desire to go to Avery University summer program, which was special program for the smart kids who wanted to be in medicine.
At the at-risk program she had made friends with Betty. And they learned swimming. Also Betty’s brother Marik went to pool. Marik was good at swimming. Keisha and Betty had soon become awfully good at swimming. They took part in some meets, and beated white girls. Keisha felt freedom in the water.
Betty tried to escape from her situation, her father was a alcohol-abusing and her mother is drug-addict. She met a drug dealer, Jeebie. She was beaten up and shot in her stomach. She was almost dead.
Keisha received a letter from Avery. It said he she could entry the program start in fall. Then she needed to bring her deposit of five hundred dollars.
After her mother had known that she said to Keisha trust her. But she misunderstood her mother to go to black strip joint to make money. She thought everything was messed up. She had depressed and had given up both becoming a doctor and swimming. Once she had almost been raped by Jeebie, but she had been rescued by Mr.Hakim.
Thereafter, she had known that her mother had been hiding her daughters. She was depressed when she was molested and gave up everything. Her mother had nothing deal with drug. She had just worked at accounting. And Mr.Hakim had seen her because he was her father. And Malik sent her a letter, admiring she had been making effort with high hope. Keisha had revived.
This novel is so touching. I think this is the juvenile of the juveniles.
Love of mother who looks like given up but actually hasn’t given up. Love of father who has been seeing his daughter from a distance. Malik, who is gender-equitable and keeps dreaming a big dream. I’m so impressed.
It’s so important not to leave young women vulnerable, and education of adolescent reproductive health and rights.
It reminds me the “Push” written by Sapphire, the original of the movie “Precious”.
 I wish to recommend this novel to teenagers and parents of teen age children. Students might be aware of women’s rights.

『罪を負って生まれた』  イヴリン・コールマン
ケイシャは母、姉 姉の赤ん坊 弟と暮らしています。母はホテルのメイドをしてお金を稼いでいます。彼女は賢く医者になりたいと考えています。よく勉強し成績もいいです。
 夏に アベリー大学の医学部志望の優秀な生徒のためのプログラムに行きたいと思っていたにもかかわらず危機にある子どものためのプログラムに参加させられました。
 この本はサファイアの『プッシュ』 映画『プレシャス』の原作を思い出させます。

19 Aug. 2011


Hita City Human rights lecture

On 9th August, I went to Hita City Human rights lecture. This time, the lecturer was Keiko HIGUCHI..
It was very deserve to listen. She hinted us why it is important to aware of the society composed largely of elderly people.
In Hita City, above 30 percent citizen are over sixty-five years old. It is expected that in 2040-2050 it will be above 40 percent. She told us it is great that we can live long itself. But it is worried the small birth rate.
There are many people who has no sibling. If they married the couple have to care four parents. If they didn't marry they have to care their parents by themselves. Some of them are forced to quit their jobs. If you left your company earlier than the retirement age, you and your parent can live on your parent's pension, but after your parent will pass away your living will be short since you retired early. Then government will be short of tax and social security.
Now we have the insurance of the elderly care. But it needs some alteration for single or double income couple. The regional support which prevent the retirement for family care is needed.
She introduced an example. In U.S.A. there's a day service station annexed a factory.
She insisted on making elderly friendly local society. That will invite senior citizen's transfer with their pension.
She mentioned four factors which make senior citizen be confused. Those are shopping, security, communication and meals.
About first. She said about a shop, Coop Sapporo's Akahira branch. There are bus lines to commute the shop. And there is a wide waiting room in the shop. It's useful for communication.
About second. She talked about the swindlers who aim senior citizen. A network for guard them is important. I haven't known how the criminals could get the telephone numbers of the victims. She showed an example. A list of students who complete a junior high school is useful. If it has made in twenty years ago,the students might have left the town but their parents may live in their 60's. It should be a good list for a swindler to senior citizen.
About third. She showed an example, Tokiwadaira, Matsudo city Chiba prefecture. At the housing complex the community is making efforts to prevent isolated death. They run a cafe where residents can chat on any day except New year holidays. Senior citizen are working as waitresses or waiters by turn.
About fourth. I forget. But if there was a cafe that she showed previous, you can eat nice meal with somebody. Or it will be expected a good day service facility.
Anyway I've learned the importance of planning society for large population of seniors. It is inevitable.
I wonder how long I will live. How long am I healthy, how long does my saving and pension allow me to live?
Now I eager to live more than ten years, because my youngest child is fifteen years old, and I'm a single parent. I can't bear letting them be orphans.


 13th August 2011


English Summer Seminar

My daughter has come back home, yesterday.
   She had been Yufuin for three days with participating an English Summer Seminar. It was held by Senior High School English Teachers' Association in Oita Prefecture, and Oita Prefectural Board of Education.
  She told me it was marvelous. There were 188 high school students. They enjoyed some activities such as games or dance.
  The students were divided into 16 groups and each groups had the leaders. ALTs of high schools and foreign teachers from municipal board of education were the group leaders. My daughter's leader was from Beppu city B.O.E. Since she was kind and cute, my daughter was so glad.
  In the second night they had an activity. As my recognition from her report, it was a cheerful dance party. She told that was awfully joyful. She saw her high school's teacher dancing with neighbor town high school's teacher. They seemed so cheerful.
   I envy her. It is so nice experience. She was not forced to study but she learned much. And she had good time while three days with many teachers and students (some of them are already friend). The teachers might had prepared so much that the seminar was fun. I'm grateful.
  I wonder why I didn't suggest dancing as a recreation of parents and children held by junior high school PTA. We mostly made match of volleyball or dodge ball.
  There were some parents good at sports and others not so good.  I think dancing doesn't require skill. Unless you can dance well, you can only jumping or patting hands and thighs. It might be enjoyable than playing volleyball, at least me.

昨日 娘が帰宅しました。

12 August 2011


I've read the "Water for Elephant"

A few weeks ago, a co-worker of mine recommended me a book. She kindly lent me it, "Water for Elephant".
It was a story of traveling circus in 1920's. I supposed the story went to a tragic end at the first scene. I thought a lady killed a man for some reason.
But after I had read the later chapter I've realized an elephant punished the cruel man. Using a pronoun "she" tricked me. "She" was a female elephant. I'm so glad to know the happy end.
If it become a movie, it will be a thrilling, nostalgic one. The novel is so authentic. I've enjoyed so much. The author is Sara Gruen. I want to read her works more.

By the way, I went to a business trip in Miyazaki city from 16 to 17 July. There was a meeting about school library. There were many people from all over the country.
Some were school librarian, others were the teachers of elementary schools and junior high schools, including a few teachers who were in charge of running the Japan Teachers Union.
I have known that in many prefecture there are schools without school librarian. The law provide to set a library teacher each school which has more than twelve classes. However almost all school library teachers are not be specialized. They have to teach subjects. So if they want to run the school library, they need a librarian or a library staff. Some municipalities employ librarians,Though large number of them are part-time or temporary workers.
I hope people support the idea which the school libraries and school librarians are necessary for education.

2,3週間前 職場の人が本を勧めてくれました。そして親切にその『象にあげる水』を貸してくれました。1920年代の列車で移動するサーカスの物語でした。最初の場面でこれは悲劇に終わる話かと思いました。何かわけがあって女性が男を殺したのだと思ったのです。しかし、あとの章を読んで、それは象が冷酷な男を罰したのだとわかりました。sheという代名詞を使っていたのでひっかかりました。sheは雌の象のことでした。ハッピーエンドでとても嬉しかったです。


 21 July 2011


job scarcity

Recently I'm checking the information of employment of public services.The reason my second eldest son and third eldest son are facing the job finding problem. Both sons intend to take exams of employment of public services.
Nowadays several facts are unveiled about -so called- black company. At a fast food chain, the managers only in name are work hard, they work illegally long time a week, sometimes unpaid. I can read such cases reported by union. In another survey by NPO which prevent suicide, a middle aged man committed suicide after get into lots of debt. He was a manager of a discount tailor's chain. He had owed to quota for sales. He had bought a lot of suits by himself to achieve monthly quota by loan. Eventually he suffered from debt and killed himself.
It has been pointed out the equity issues of woman workers. I've realized the average payment --including the informal and casual workers-- is 60 percent of man workers.
I'm worry that the problem seems extending to young generation. For young people finding job is difficult, because the decent work is reducing. There are many job openings of temporary or substantial or low wage or long time. The right of work is out of reality.
I hope my children can find a job which they can get income to afford their family, at least themselves. And content their labor, even if the work is hard --physically or emotionally --.  I hope them unionise with their co-workers.
To be honest, union chore sometimes annoys me, but it is obviously important.
Tow of my sons are going to take exams of employment this year, If they were to fail, I hope them continue studying for next industry. I'm so interested in Google's solar projects. We still need electric power after giving up nuclear power plant.
Also for another sustainable energy the workers of green-collar are demanded.
Of course, they should make decision by themselves, I'll send information.


10 July 2010

the inter-classroom match

On July 1 my son and daughter's high school held a inter-classroom match.
On the inter-classroom match day, I gave my daughter five hundred yen to get on the bus from Hita to Isuma.
On the day I attended an event, woman co-worker's development and dinner meeting in Kusu town.
But she missed the bus, so she called me.
Because she couldn't get on the bus, I went to Hita to take her home, then I went back Kusu town.
I asked her why she was late for the bus.
She explained. After the inter-classroom match, she and her classmates took the beverages by themselves. Her vice-classroom teacher scolded them and retrieved all. Then he put the packed beverages in rows by the flavor on the teacher's desk.Then he asked showing each, "Does anyone want coffee?" "Does anyone want orange?" --
It took long time. So she missed the bus. And I had to do round trip between Kusu and Hita.
I wish she could think of leaving in a wise manner.
My son was surprised to hear that. His teacher distributed the beverages and told the students if it wasn't their preference which gifted, trade themselves.He could leave school soon.


3 July 2010


boiled pork

I buy mostly shoulder pork, but lately I bought a chunk of gammon, which was cheaper than shoulder.
I put it in cooking water and boiled, then skimmed off the scum, then add some pot herb, ginger, and garlic and continued boiling on low heat for forty minutes. After then let it cool down.
My family ate the slices of the boiled pork with mustard soy sauce or mustard soy sauce mayonnaise. It tasted good.
I used a new method of skimming off the scum. You can use the outermost leaf of a cabbage, which is usually peered and thrown. Cover the chunk of meat with a leaf, and the scum is gathered on the leaf. You can take off the scum only with taking off the leaf.
I've learned the tip from my daughter, who has learned from a TV program, "The class to be desired best in the world".


22 June 2011


grateful for the Firefox and its Add-ons

A few days ago, when I talked with a teacher I told him that I found a book of Evelyn Coleman at" WorldCat". He didn't know about "WorldCat", so I introduced it.
WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where most people start their search for information. You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos --all the physical items you're used to getting from libraries. You can also discover many new kinds of digital content, such as downloadable audio books. (quoted from www.worldcat.org/)
When I was a high school student or a university student, there was no Internet. There were some databases which were available only by librarians.
Now I can search various things in Internet so easily. I use Firefox with two add-ons. One is "Add to Search Bar" and the other is "Context Search". I'm grateful for both.
Once I downloaded and installed the "Add to Search Bar". Then I've become getting any search engine which has a blank window for fill the word. Right click on the blank, a phrase "Add to Search Bar" appears. If you select it,your Firefox search bar get it within the menu --it appears when you click the inverted pyramid on the left edge of the bar. It reduces a process opening new tab or window.
The "Context Search", after I have installed it,it has shown be useful. During reading some articles, when I hit an unknown word, I select (trace) the word and give right click. Then a pulldown menu of search engines appears. I select "Dogpile" or "Wikipedia" if I don't know about it, or I select "Weblio" or "Dictionary. com" if I don't know the English word.
I sit on my PC desk when I want to search books. I put a title or an author in the Firefox search bar, and choice "calil.jp" or "webcat". In case of foreign books, I choice "Amazon.jp" or "Amazon.com" or "WorldCat". According to circumstances, "books.google.co.jp".
When I see him next time, I'd like to tell him this way that helps much or less.

 以前 「サーチバーを追加する」をダウンロードしてインストールしました。それからは言葉を書き込む検索窓のある検索エンジンならなんでも追加できるようになりました。その検索窓で右クリックすると「検索バーを追加」という文字が出ます。それを選ぶと、ファイアフォックスのサーチバーのメニューに含まれます。サーチバーの左端の逆三角形をクリックするとそれが出てきます。新しいタブやウインドウを開く手間を省きます。

12 June 2011



Recently I do appreciate that I can live as well as before 11 March.
I remember about twenty years ago many mothers had little books.
"If it is in time! written by Kansha Taeko. It alerted, if nuclear power plant had severe accident everybody should kiss their children goodbye. Children can't live in radioactive environment. She was learning earnestly from Takagi Jinzaburo's and Hirose Takashi's works.
Now, the Fukishima Daiichi nuclear power plant is going worse. About one thousand elementary schools are concerned. Now we need the book "Eventually in case it has not in time". Children and people who take care of them are confused. Some cities' board of education have removed top soil of elementary school playground. But they can't remove the mount of soil anywhere else. Because its radioactive level is too high to be permitted to dispose. Also children won't be able to have swim class this summer. Because the water of the pool is radioactive contaminated. They can't go the water down the waste-pipe in a pool. There is no law to help those schools.Neither the government nor the electric power company have prepared for "the day after accident".

I can't be sure I will be able to live as same as ever. So I look back my ordinary daily life. Habitat lifeline, job,food and so on.
About purchase daily necessary. I get basic foods and commodities from Greencoop and Oita-Coop, weekly I order and being delivered.
And sometimes when I need extra or temporarily, I go to supermarkets or drugstores or Hita Citizen Coop. Daiei Hita branch, Cosmos, Kuroshioichiba, Sunny, Marumiya and a few others.
I like Daiei for the roof-top parking place. It has wider distance between the blocks than the parking place on ground. And there's a bookstore on the second floor, that's great. But on Saturday and on Sunday, around noon, usually there are long line of customers at the checkers. I hope there are more checkers on busy time. But it is great that credit card is usable.
I sometimes go to Kuroshioichiba, to go the the one coin shop on the second floor. It is convenient to buy notebooks, envelopes and other stationary.
I go to Cosmos next to Tsutaya, when I go to Tsutaya. I admire the drugstore. When customer's line become long at a checker, the lady calls other clerk to open another register. Then the clerk calls to the second customer of the line to move to the new register. It is considerate style. If she doesn't, the customer who has waited shorter time might move to the new register. So I admire Cosmos.
I go to Sunny when I need to buy something in early morning. Because it is open night and day. It is convenient. And I admire Sunny for the entrance. It is wide enough and separated the entrance and exit. So if you carry a baby buggy, you can pass through without annoying other customer. On this point I love Sunny.
Also I like Marumiya. The location is good, and parking place is wide enough.
I go to Hita Citizn Coop Miyoshi branch to buy greengrocery. Though the road which the shop faces on is in a traffic jam when people commute home, the parking place is behind the shop, facing on another path. It is convenient. On this point I like Hita Citizen Coop Miyoshi branch.
I should appreciate shops are running and supplying goods steadily, more than ever.

 最近 3月11日以前と同じように暮らせることに本当に感謝しなくてはいけないと思います。
 20年ほど前、たくさんのお母さん達が『まだまにあうのなら』という甘蔗 珠恵子 さんの書かれた本を持っていたことを覚えています。その本は、もし原発が事故を起こせば子ども達にお別れのキスをしなくちゃいけなくなると警告していました。子ども達は放射能の中では生きていけません。彼女は高木仁三郎さんや広瀬隆さんの本をずいぶん勉強していました。


4 May 2011



I went to the Oita Pref.Library on 21 May. I attended an event, story-telling in English.
"A lot of children! Good!" Mr. Mickel Chadwick said when he entered the room which served us for the story-telling room.
He had come from Fukuoka American Center to perform the reading aloud. He was so cheerful and treated children very well.
First, he read aloud "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carl. With reading he invited children in front of all audience one by one to be an animal which appeared on the page by turn. He asked the child "Can you do it?" Then the preschool child replayed "Yes, I can do it." fluently. I was slightly surprised. We played together following the animals in the book.
Next, we hear him reading aloud "Joseph had a Little overcoat" and "Guri and Gura".
While reading books he asked or talked to the children very friendly. They were concentrated. Of course also I was.
I suppose story-telling in English will be spread in local libraries and elementary school libraries. Because there will be more children who can understand plane English.

On last Monday, I was called from my daughter around 3:00 p.m. She told me "You don't need to pick me up today. I'm home already." I asked her what had happened. She said a student had fallen from the forth story veranda at high school. He had died. Shocking, isn't it.
It was a terrible accident. Many students and teachers have confused. No one had predicted.
I feel pity for the boy student shutting his life only 15 or 16 years. I feel so sorry for his mother. Whole the high school lost its composure. I hope time may provide a solution.

5月21日 大分県立図書館に行きました。英語で読み聞かせの催しに参加しました。
まず、エリック・カールの『頭からつまさきまで』を読みました。読みながら、順にページに登場する動物になってもらうため子ども達をひとりずつみんなの前に招きました。 子どもに聞きました。「これできるかな?」 すると就学前の子どもは「できるよ」と流暢に答えました。ちょっとびっくりしました。私たちは一緒に本の動物たちに続いて動作をしました。


28 May 2011


lecture of raising children

In last Monday morning I took my daughter to high school earlier than usual.
Because she took a duty of greeting at the entrance to school. She is a student in charge of traffic safety. The members did the campaign to recommend students who commuting by bicycle double lock.
I don't admire her because she has one lock to her own bicycle.

On before last Friday, -13 May- I went to Merusan hall in Kusu town to listen to a lecture of raising children.
First two high school girl students made their speech. One of them was dramatic. She was bullied in her softball club at middle school. Her mother encouraged her telling "There is no night which never meet dawn". She made efforts to change the circumstance. After the team finished the last game of middle school, all the members were satisfied. She told us, "Never give up, the circumstance will be changed".
After students' speech. Mr.Robert Watson made a lecture. He insisted that parents should not say "Nowadays, children are --" .
We, parents should accept them. Their circumstance is different from ours. The world has been changed. We must comprehend the fact. And we must tell the dearest and nearest one that "You are my dearest". We should have more conversation.
An episode of his own mother in his childhood was so joyful. One day he ate a watermelon. He asked her mother "What's going to happen if I plant these seeds?" His mother said to him "Why don't you try?" He planted the seed and watered every morning. And after a while he found a watermelon on the ground. It was already cold. He was so glad that he kept trying other things.
We, parents need to say "Try it" to children, and look after them, this episode tells me.

My daughter and I enjoy watching DVD "Glee" resentry. She rented "Glee" I rented "Little Britain".
It's a TV program of a high school glee club story. The members are not popular at their high school, rather being bullied. But they have talents.
The main characters are Rachel and Finn. The drama describes adolescent people. It's very interesting, and the music is cool. I can see the high school life style, school caste. The joke is on the top. Rachel isn't content that situation. Including Rachel the glee members have talents. Artie is cripple and he is very gifted in music. Kurt is gay and he has nice voice of high tone. It would be great to see what happens with them.


 先先週の金曜日 玖珠町のメルサンホールに子育て講演会を聞きに行きました。


22 May 2010

cabbage is unavailable

Last Tuesday I received an information and apology from a cooperative association. I have translated it for practice.

Information and apology : Cabbage is unavailable
The cabbage which expected to be delivered today is short of supply, so they are unavailable.
Under influence of rapid rise of temperature in daytime those have turn to seed.
We are sorry for your inconvenient in spite of your kind order. Please accept our apology.
Over charges will be corrected in May.
We look forward to your continued patronage to Greencoop's greengrocery.


お詫びとお知らせ キャベツお届けできません。

22 May 2011

lecture of raising children

In last Monday morning I took my daughter to high school earlier than usual.
Because she took a duty of greeting at the entrance to school. She is a student in charge of traffic safety. The members did the campaign to recommend students who commuting by bicycle double lock.
I don't admire her because she has one lock to her own bicycle.

On before last Friday, -13 May- I went to Merusan hall in Kusu town to listen to a lecture of raising children.
First two high school girl students made their speech. One of them was dramatic. She was bullied in her softball club at middle school. Her mother encouraged her telling "There is no night which never meet dawn". She made efforts to change the circumstance. After the team finished the last game of middle school, all the members were satisfied. She told us, "Never give up, the circumstance will be changed".
After students' speech. Mr.Robert Watson made a lecture. He insisted that parents should not say "Nowadays, children are --" .
We, parents should accept them. Their circumstance is different from ours. The world has been changed. We must comprehend the fact. And we must tell the dearest and nearest one that "You are my dearest". We should have more conversation.
An episode of his own mother in his childhood was so joyful. One day he ate a watermelon. He asked her mother "What's going to happen if I plant these seeds?" His mother said to him "Why don't you try?" He planted the seed and watered every morning. And after a while he found a watermelon on the ground. It was already cold. He was so glad that he kept trying other things.
We, parents need to say "Try it" to children, and look after them, this episode tells me.

My daughter and I enjoy watching DVD "Glee" resently. She rented "Glee" I rented "Little Britain".
It's a TV program of a high school glee club story. The members are not popular at their high school, rather being bullied. But they have talents.
The main characters are Rachel and Finn. The drama describes adolescent people. It's very interesting, and the music is cool. I can see the high school life style, school caste. The joke is on the top. Rachel isn't content that situation. Including Rachel the glee members have talents. Artie is cripple and he is very gifted in music. Kurt is gay and he has nice voice of high tone. It would be great to see what happens with them.


 先先週の金曜日 玖珠町のメルサンホールに子育て講演会を聞きに行きました。


22 May 2011

Koide Hiroaki and P.G.Wodehouse

Time flies. It was holiday before about three weeks, from 29 Apr. to 5 May, except 2 may. I had spent half working for the labour union, half reading.
I have to work for my union as a representative of one department this school year. The staffs and I must prepare the annual meeting. We discussed about our direction or action.
I went to the meetings at Beppu city and at Oita city three times.Though I'm not fit the roll of leader, I must try to be any assistance.
I've written four letters to recommend joining our labour union who haven't joined yet. I hope them to find it is valuable to be organized into a labour union.

And the other hand, I've read a few books and magazines. I found out the "The Concealed Nuclear" written by Koide Hiroaki was so much helpful to recognize about nuclear power plant. If the plant quit to generate electric power the waste fuels need to be cooled in water long long time. It will waste time and money absolutely.

Also I read "The Inimitable Jeeves" written by P.G.Wodehouse. I needed some funny book. I could escape from depressive mood. Reading is a small good thing. I felt so relieved. In this novel there are full of humor. Humor make me aware of foolishness of myself. I respect Jeeves,the complete butler. His young master Barty is so amiable and so adorable. I tasted the comfortable world.


いっぽう、本や雑誌を何冊か読みました。『画される原子力』 小出裕章著 は原子力発電について理解するのにとても役立ちました。発電をやめても使用済み核燃料は長い長い期間冷やさなければなりません。まったくお金と時間のむだです。


22 May 2011


Sending books

I've heard the news that the Chukiren Heiwa Kinenkan is going to send books to the children live in north east Japan. So it offered several organizations to send books.The request has reached our labor union. They need children books and textbooks and dictionaries for high school and junior high school students.
Chukiren is a NPO which founded for making peace by gathering the witness and evidences of Japan committed war crimes in China and keeping a peace memorial museum.
I looked for proper books in my shelf. I wanted to send almost new books. I checked my children books and picture books. Some books had my son or daughter's drawing and others were a little damaged. I picked up almost 70 copies which in good condition. Also I chose a comic of Keroro which I had saved preciously. I thought good children books were good, but children also loved comics. My daughter gave me her comics of CrayonShinchan for them.
Books were prepared. Next, the NPO has offered to add a letter to the books. It was difficult for me. How do I write a letter someone who probably had survived the severe disaster? I couldn't write "Hold on". I felt it was too far apart from them. Or it sounded just from outside.
But how or what should I write to the children or students?
I'm staying in the safe aria not going to work with them and only sending something.
I wish they will get back previous calm lives, which needs so much efforts. I suppose I can't contribute much.
Anyway if books are in short I should send books because I have.
I wrote a letter telling "I'll be glad if you"ll be pleased this book". After I packed those books in two boxes I brought them to the union office.


Apr.28 2011


About "Goodnight mister Tom"

I borrowed a book, titled "Goodnight Mister Tom" written by Michelle Magorian.
That's the story of an evacuate boy during the Second World War. The boy's name was William Beech. When he had taken the village from London, he looked thin and like not being taken good care, he couldn't read or write.
After staying with Tom Orkley, he had become healthy and vigorous. He could make friends, for six months.
But one day he got a letter from his mother saying she was ill could he come back for a while to help out.
Willie had been in London near a month. He couldn't write to ask help to Tom. He had been locked in by his mother. He was tied to a length of copper piping with holding a baby. When he was rescued by Tom, the baby was already dead and nearly he was dead.
I have three impressed scenes in this novel, the rescue is first. The second is the scene which Tom kidnapped Willie.
After rescued he was taken in a hospital. Tom hoped to take him home. But he couldn't, because he was not his parent or relative.Tom couldn't bare to see whenever Willie cried from nightmare he was given a an injection in his bottom.
Tom heard his late wife whispered him that he had best kidnap. Tom rescued Willie then came home.
At Tom's home though it took long time, Willie could recover. In the village people called William "Will".
The third scene was when Will called Tom "Dad".
On one day a policeman and other people came to see Tom. He said Willie's mother committed suicide and they were going to take him to the Child Care Home.
Will refused, saying Tom hadn't kidnapped him, he was just rescued. Then Tom adopted Will. Still Will called Tom "Mister Tom".
The bombing was getting worse near London. Will's best friend Zach was killed in bombing when he went to see his father in hospital.
Will couldn't accept his death for a while. He felt anything left inside him. But on one night he expressed his anger desperately. " I hate you God. I hate you." he stood, yelling and screaming at the sky until he sank exhausted and sobbing on the ground. Then he accept his best friend's death.
When he came home Tom was about to give him another five minutes before heading out towards Will.
Will said Tom "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't think you would be worried. I forget about you. I didn't think. Sorry."
It was the moment Will called Tom "Dad". I was so impressed.

This novel is one of juvenile. I used to like them.
Recently the elder I get, the more interested in the supporting roles, especially the senior people.
In this "Goodnight Mister Tom" I found some attractive senior. I love Mister Tom, who is my roll model in my sixties. He is a healthy inconspicuous man, behind his scowling manner was a kindly old man. as soon as he knew Will couldn't reach the peg to hang his macintosh he put in a low peg. When he recognized Will couldn't read, he told stories and read aloud some library books every night. Also he had been taken care not to mollycoddle.
The is respectable.

第2次世界大戦中疎開する少年の話です。少年の名はウィリアム・ビーチ。ロンドンからその村にやってきたとき、やせてよく世話をされていないように見えました。 読み書きもできませんでした。
 しかし、ある日母親からの手紙で、母親が病気でしばらくの間手伝いに来て欲しいと呼ばれます。ウィリーはロンドンにいる約1ヶ月の間、トムに手紙を書いて助けを求めることもできませんでした。母親に監禁されていました。彼は銅製のパイプに赤ん坊を抱いて縛り付けられていました。 救出されたとき赤ん坊はすでに死んでいて彼もほとんど死ぬ寸前でした。
 ウィルは彼の死を受け入れることができませんでした。彼の中にはなにも残っていないように感じられました。しかし、ある夜彼は絶望的に怒りを吐き出します。「神様、ぼくはあなたがきらいだ。きらいだ。」 そう言って立って空に向かって泣き叫び、疲れきって地面に倒れました。それから友だちの死を受け入れました。


 22 Apr. 2011


What going to happen?

At the end of March I have quit to read the Nikkei shinbun, after I had kept over twenty years. Because I can't know from it what I want to know.

My eldest son lives in Tokyo has sent an e-mail asking to lent some money. He has got fired his part-time job for the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)'s planned outage.
I fear lest my son takes radioactive contaminant food and water. The government seems being unable to direct TEPCO. I wonder why Nippon Keidanren doesn't complain to over its do-nothing. I wonder Japanese economy and social stability could keep. What going to happen?
Are they who lost their loved, especially the children and senior citizen who survive their guardian all right? How people who lost jobs can afford their lives?

I suppose the reason that the electric companies were granted favors is something in return for the stable supply of electric power.
If they can't, the legitimacy of monopoly is no longer exist. The government should withdraw the exclusive right, shouldn't it? I hope the government grow sustainable energy industry after the electric line let open up.
Is the nation sinking?




Apr.9 2011


Looking for a bicycle

Today, my daughter and I went to a recycle shop in Kusu town. I had visited there and I saw some used bicycles on 13 Mar. So I wanted to take my daughter to the shop to examin the bicycle she wanted.
On 22 Mar. after the freshman's meeting at the high school, we went to the municipal office to get a residence proof, then went to a bookstore to buy the designated textbooks. Then we went to the recycle shop, but it was closed. The sign board said Open from 9:00 to 5:00. We were disappointed, it was 5:30. We came home.
Today the recycle shop was open, my daughter checked some bicycles, she couldn't pleased any bicycle, they were too old.
We went to a home center to buy mechanical pencile's lead. At the shop we saw a few bicycle. Those price were around 30000 yen. On the way to go home, I asked my daughter "The other day we saw a bicycle on sale at a supermarket, The price was 8000 yen right? Why don't we go the super market?" She said, "It sounds nice." So we directed to Hita city. But on the way I remembered that I had seen a shop in front of it there were bicycles. There is a crossroad, usually I stop and check carefully before I go to right. I have slightly noticed on the left under a few houses a shop might recycle shop.
After we reached to the shop we found it was a cycle shop. There were many fine bicycles. Some were 30000 yen the other were 50000 yen. In the shop there were two person. Master and madam, I thought. I asked the madam, "Can't I find a used one?" "My daughter goes to high school, she will go by bicycle for a year,and she will go by a motorbike for two years. So I hesitate to buy a new bicycle,prefer to buy a used one." "If you don't mind to wait for a while, you can."
The master said, "I had a good used bicycle, it isn't here now. I can arrange or customize if any customer wants." He said he had a good one made of aluminium, he needed to change some parts and tires. If I would buy it I should pay for only new parts,maybe 9000 yen.
I was so glad. I wrote the request form and to call me when it would be prepared.
After we got on my car, my daughter told me she was glad, because she supposed the bicycle of 8000 yen at a supermarket heavy.

By the way we propped to a drag store after left the recycle shop in Kusu town. At the drag store I met my son's friend's mother. I asked her if her son, who was a student of Tokyo Foreign Language University , still stay in Tokyo. She said he was. I told her my first eldest son also was in Tokyo. She was so anxious, also I was.
I hope both of them would be safe.

 そこに着いてみるとそこは自転車屋さんでした。たくさんいい自転車がありました。30000円のとか50000円のとか。店内には二人の方がいました。お店のご主人のようでした。女性の方に「中古のはないでしょうか?」ときいてみました。「娘が高校に通うのに1年間自転車で2年間はバイクで行く予定なんです。それで新品を買うのはちょっともったいないので、中古のを買いたいんです。」 「しばらく待ってもらえるならありますよ」と言いました。ご主人が「いいのがあります、いまここにはないですが。お客さんから頼まれたら組み立ててあげるんで」と言いました。ご主人はアルミ製のいいのがあるといいました。少し部品とタイヤを交換する必要があるそうです。もし、買うなら交換した部品の代金だけでいい、だいたい9000円くらいでしょうといいました。

26 Mar. 2010


I've read some articles

Yesterday, I watched the video clip of "videonews.com" until midnight. Though I usually get up at 5:00 am, I got up at 7:00 am this morning.
In the program the attendance argued about Japan's contingency plan.
The government doesn't show us the necessary deta. They control some important data. But to avoid the panic, they have to show us the scenario from good to worst. After gotten the information people can make decision what to do.
Recently I pulled out a book from my book shelf, "Metropolis will be vanished by nuclear --nobody knows the countermeasure against an earthquake" .
In this book I can recognize what to do if Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant would have been damaged after Tokai earthquake. It is a very convenient book at the situation like today.
I didn't know the reason, but I felt there are much better information from foreign media and social media than from government. The day before yesterday I met Mr.Watson, then we talked about the media. I showed him two article printed out. There were from Reuters.
I 've read Reuters website. I consulted Eijiro about the words I don't know and I asked Mr,Watson and my eldest son about some sentence I hardly gotten.
Thanks to these help I could get some article. I was surprised to read these article.

最近、本棚から1冊の本を引っ張り出しました。『放射能で首都圏消滅 誰も知らない震災対策』です。この本では東海地震が起きて浜岡原発が損傷した場合どうしたらよいかがわかります。今のような状況ではたいへん便利な本です。

TOKYO | Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:07pm IST
TOKYO (Reuters) - Operators of a quake-crippled nuclear plant in Japan dumped water on overheating reactors on Thursday while the United States expressed growing alarm about leaking radiation and said it was sending aircraft to help Americans leave the country.

Gregory Jaczko, head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, told a parliamentary hearing that radiation levels around the cooling pool were extremely high, posing deadly risks for workers still toiling in the wreckage of the power plant.
原子力規制委員会のグレゴリー ジャッコは下院の公聴会で、4号機の使用済み核燃料の冷却槽の放射線量が異常に上がっていて、まだがれきの中で働いている労働者の命にかかわると言った。

"It would be very difficult for emergency workers to get near the reactors. The doses they could experience would potentially be lethal doses in a very short period of time," he said.

U.S. officials took pains not to criticise the Japanese government, which has shown signs of being overwhelmed by the crisis, but Washington's actions indicated a divide with the Japanese about the perilousness of the situation.
"The worst-case scenario doesn't bear mentioning and the best-case scenario keeps getting worse," Perpetual Investments said in a note on the crisis.
「最悪の想定は言うのもはばかられる。もっともよい想定でもそれは徐々に悪くなっている」とパーペプチャルインベスティメント は言った。

Japan said the United States would fly a high-altitude drone over the stricken complex to gauge the situation, and had offered to send nuclear experts.

Health experts said panic over radiation leaks from the Daiichi plant, around 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, was diverting attention from other life-threatening risks facing survivors of last Friday's 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami, such as cold, heavy snow in parts and access to fresh water.

Sebastian Pflugbeil, president of the private German-based Society for Radiation Protection, said Japan's efforts to pull the Fukushima plant back from the brink signalled "the beginning of the catastrophic phase".
 ドイツを基盤とする民間の放射線防護団体の長であるセバスチャン プルーベリは言った。「日本の福島原発を破滅のはじまりの信号が点滅している瀬戸際からなんとか復帰させようとする努力について

"Maybe we have to pray," he said, adding that a wind blowing any nuclear fallout east into the Pacific would limit any damage for Japan's 127 million people in case of a meltdown or other releases, for instance from spent fuel storage pools.

Special Report: Mistakes, misfortune, meltdown: Japan's quake
(Reuters) - By Thursday morning the last line of defense came down to this: a police water cannon, a helicopter maneuver designed for wildfires and a race against time to get the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant rewired to the grid.

As a crew of about 100 Japanese workers and soldiers battled to keep a string of six nuclear reactors from meltdown just short of a week into Japan's nuclear crisis, the arsenal of weapons at their disposal remained improvised, low-tech and underpowered.

A police riot control truck was hauled in over uneven roads to keep a spray of water on the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors. In the air above, Japan Self-Defense Forces helicopters made runs with baskets of water in a desperate attempt to cool exposed fuel rods believed to have already partly melted down.
警察のriot control truckが、3号機と4号機に浴びせる放水用の水を確保するために、荒れた道路を走って集められた

Meanwhile, technicians were dashing to complete what amounts to the world's largest extension cord: an electric cable to connect the stricken plant from the north and allow Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which runs the plant, to restart critical water pumps taken out by the massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on the afternoon of Friday, March 11.

An examination by Reuters of Japan's effort to contain its escalating nuclear disaster reveals a series of missteps, bad luck and desperate improvisation. What also emerges is a country that has begun to question some of its oldest values. Japanese have long revered the country's bureaucratic competence, especially when it is contrasted with its political dysfunction. Japan has also proudly often chosen to go its own way and turn down outside assistance. But what happens when competence begins to break down? And what happens when a disaster is so overwhelming that outside help is vital?

The Fukushima plant was designed to withstand a violent earthquake. But the massive tsunami that followed knocked out both the plant's electric-powered cooling system and its diesel-powered backup generators.  
福島原発は大地震に耐えるよう設計されていた。しかし巨大津波と、それによってもたらされる電力による冷却システムとディーゼルによる電力バックアッ プの両方の破壊には耐えるようにできていなかった。

As the first pictures of the destruction around the northern town of Sendai were beamed across Japan and around the world in the hours after the quake, authorities initially said they had safely shut down the four nuclear plants closest to the earthquake and tsunami zone.

It wasn't true. With no power to the plant's cooling system, the water that circulates around the fuel rods inside the six reactors at Fukushima had already begun to boil off. Within a few hours authorities declared a "nuclear emergency situation" at the plant. While no radiation release had been detected, they said, residents around the plant should evacuate.
それは本当ではなかった。福島原発のの6基の原子炉内では冷却システムに電 力が供給されず核燃料の周りをまわる冷却水は沸騰しはじめていた。2,3時間後に当局はこの原発について「原子力緊急事態」と発表した。放射能もれが発見 されないうちに住民は避難すべきと言った。

It was the beginning of a new nightmare. Over the ensuing days, as Japan has struggled to come to terms with what could be more than 10,000 dead and raced to bring food and clean water to more than 500,000 people who lost their homes in the quake and tsunami, rapidly deteriorating conditions inside Fukushima have threatened a meltdown with the potential to spread radioactive particles across the country and beyond.
それは悪夢の始まりだった。続く数日を通し、日本は一万人以上の死者をどう するか、五十万人以上の地震と津波で家を失った人々に食料と飲料水を届けるための方策に苦しみ、そして急速に悪化する福島原発の状況は、日本や世界へ放射性物質を拡散するおそれのあるメルトダウンの危機に瀕していた。

"They might have been prepared for an earthquake. They might have been prepared for a tsunami. They might have been prepared for a nuclear emergency, but it was unlikely that they were prepared for all three," said Ellen Vancko, an electric power expert with the Union of Concerned Scientists.
 「彼らは地震については対策をしてきたかもしれない。津波についても対策を してきたかもしれない。原発の緊急事態についても対策をしてきたかもしれな い。だがその3者すべてについて対策があったようにはみえない。」と憂慮する 科学者連合の電力専門家であるエレン・ヴァンコは言った。

Before last week, Japan's 55 nuclear reactors had provided about 30 percent of the nation's electric power. That percentage had been expected to rise to 50 percent by 2030 with a boom in new plant construction.

But nuclear power plants stop if they don't have enough power. Stranded nuclear reactors cannot circulate water to cool their fuel rods. When the existing water boils off, the nuclear fuel begins to heat, a process that can set fire to surrounding materials and touch off powerful hydrogen blasts.
しかし、原発は十分な電力がなければ止まってしまう。一般的な原子炉は燃料を冷却する水を循環させることができなくなる。いまある水が蒸発してしまう と、核燃料は温度が上がり始め周りを包んでいる物質を燃焼させ激しい水素爆発を引き起こす。

"Power is the lifeblood for a power plant," said Harold Denton, who headed the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission team that handled the 1979 Three Mile Island crisis in the United States. "If you've got power, you can do a lot, but if you don't have any power, the water in the reactor vessels heats up and boils away and the fuel begins to melt. It's a problem they've gotten into now."

The threat for the Fukushima plant, 240 km (150 miles) northeast of Tokyo, is compounded, experts say, by the design of its 40-year-old reactors, known in the industry as the General Electric Mark 1.
-----------quote from Reuters--------------------

When the information of my mother tongue is limited, I regret that I am not good at some another language.

19 Mar. 2011


nuclear power plant

In these days I'm anxious about my son lives in Tokyo. Because the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is under serious situation. I hoped that I let him evacuate, but he refused.
Of cause if the worst scenario occur, Kyusyu might not be safe. I'm fear of a nuclear reaction . And I'm worry about the scarcity of safe food and water caused by radioactive contamination.
The electric power companies and the government have insisted that the nuclear power plants are safe, count on them. So over forty nuclear power plants are in Japan. I hope the Fukushima daiichi plant's will be survived as safe as possible, and after then Japanese energy policy will be changed.
Many people insisted we should deal without nuclear power plant. I'm regret that their opinion hasn't been taken.
Now, perhaps much more people annoyed seriously with nuclear power plants. It's foolish to continue to run those.

このところ東京にいる倅が心配です。 福島第一原発が深刻な状況にあるからです。避難してほしいのですが断りました。

17 Mar. 2010


preparation for going to high school

On 8 Mar. my daughter has taken an entrance examination. I believe she will be passed.
Now, I should prepare something for her. I should be ready to pay 25000 yen at entering the high school, 20000 yen for gym suits and ground shoes and indoor shoes,
30000 yen for school uniform, 6000 yen for text books, according to the handout from the high school. Also she needs a knapsack, shoes, cell phone, and bicycle for commute. I'm going to find a folding bicycle at some recycle shops.
After she entered the high school she must decide what she wants to do after left high school. She hopes to go to college. Is the choice right?

Recently I've noticed an interesting topic in the NY Time's Room for Debate series. I've just read the introduction.
"Does college make you smarter?"
A book, titled "Academically Adrift : Limited Leaning on College Campus" sounds like controversial.
The study by two sociologists, Richard Arum of New York University and Josipa Roksa of the University of Verginia have found that undergraduates lean very little.
According to their analysis of more than 2300 undergraduates, forty-five percent of these students demonstrate no significant improvement in a range of skills --including critical thinking, complex reasoning,and writing --during their first two years of college.
Is there any study in japan like this? I want to know.

3月8日 娘が入学試験を受けました。受かっていると信じます。
いろいろと準備をしなくてはなりません。学校からのプリントによれば、入学時に25000円、体操服や体育のシューズに20000円 制服に30000円 教科書に6000円用意しなければいけません。それに娘は通学するのにかばん、靴、携帯電話、自転車も要るといいます。リサイクルショップで折畳み自転車を探してみようと思います。

『学力漂流 大学での制限された学び』という題名の本は論議を呼びそうです。
 二人の社会学者、ニューヨーク大学のリチャード・アラム、ヴァージニア大学のジョシパ・ロクサ による調査で大学生がほとんど学んでいないことが明らかになりました。

10 Mar. 2010

My daughter has passed the entrance examination. I'm so glad. And I'm also glad to here no students in her junior high school has failed to prefecture high schools
entrance examination.
She wrote an e-mail to her elder brother who lived in Tokyo, but she couldn't send the e-mail. She supposed there was something wrong with the cell-phone carrier.
In the next morning I send him an e-mail by Gmail. He replied after two hours. He told that yesterday he had went to Akihabara to shopping and he couldn't go home because trains were halted. He would go home today.
I was relieved.

娘は入試に合格しました。 うれしいです。それに娘の中学校の生徒は誰も県立の入試に落ちなかったそうで、それもうれしいです。

12 Mar.2010


graduation ceremony

On 4 March, it was so cold in early morning, the road around my house was thinly covered with snow.
On the day there was a graduation ceremony at my daughter's junior high school.
The graduates went up the stage, were given the diploma from principal, then made speeches.
Most graduates said their gratefulness to teachers, parents, friends, and local people, their expectation for high school life. There were a few boys who hardly said with biting their inside of their cheeks. Though the words were common, we, audience realized that the students said their true feelings. They were adorable. I thought they were OK as they were.
I don't know any other junior high school has that program at the graduation ceremony, this school's ceremony deserves to attendance.
A graduation gift from the city board of education was a name stamp. I was glad. My daughter is going to need one, when she makes a bank account to pay for the high school expense.
A representative of the first and second year students made a farewell speech, then the students went up the stage and sang a song "Valuable thing".
A representative of the graduates made a response speech, then the graduates went up the stage and sang a song "Thank you".
After the emcee announced the ceremony was over, the graduates went on the stage again. It was a surprise, actually every year it was so we were not surprised.
Shared some students, they made a heartwarming speech, then sang "Hymn to the earth" and "Time traveler", which sounded well practiced. Meanwhile some students couldn't sing well because they were sobbing.
After the ceremony finished, the graduates and their parents went to home room. They received their diploma and some awards.
Their two letters which written by themselves before were returned to them. They got two letters, one for them and one for their guardians. Every students gifted their family the letter. I was given it from my daughter.
Our home room teacher showed us a DVD which digested this school year.
The students and parents said "good-bye" though we didn't want to say.


5 Mar. 2011