
English Vinglish

      Yesterday, there was a research meeting of our labor union at Hita-Mikuma high school.
      There were various interesting and instructive researches. I had a good time.

      After that, a woman suggested to go for a cup of tea and three of the attendance agreed to. We decided to go to Hita Cinematheque Liberte.
      We ordered three sets of cofee and ganache and a cup of tea, because there were only three ganache remained,  we shared.
      The movie “English Vinglish” was on screen.
      The heroine was a house wife lived in India. She was poor at English. So her husband and her daughter looked down on her.

     But she took a chance.  She went to New York city to help her elder sister four weeks earlier than other family members.
    In the hustle and bustle of the big city, she met some people who wanted to learn English and became good friends with them.
    She got back self-confidence in her.  After she had learned English, knowing it, her husband and her daughter respected her.

    It was very jolly movie.  The more she got back self-confidence, the more the music became cheerfully. People learned from her that being judgmental was very shame.

     I was impressed that the people who were learning English thought learning English makes them free.  And they were making effort to communicate each other. English or not English was not the matter.
    This movie made me cry., and made me be aware of he importance what motivates me to learn.

    Add to this, it was on 27th, the Liberte Day, so we could see it for one thousand yen. We were very glad.

  昨日 日田三隈高校で労働組合の研修会があった。いろいろな興味深い有益な発表をきいた。とてもよかった。


28 Sept. 2014


Considering about a smartphone

  On last Sunday, I went to Saga city. I hoped to purchase a smartphone called “Ozzio phone” at PCDEPOT Saga branch.

    I wanted a smartphone to be used as a Navigator and the monthly charge was inexpensive.  I tried an Ozzio phone which was used as demonstration machine.
 In the shop, sometimes I heard an announcement which told that the shop clerks would not say anything to customer unless spoken to.
    I didn’t understand the speed of downstream was enough or not for Navi app. I asked one of the shop worker. He was very kind, and his explanation was so clear that I could understand.

   There are two point which I should consider. The limit amount data of one month and the speed of downstream.

   Unfortunately that was not suitable for my purpose. I didn’t buy it. He suggested me to buy a mobile router or an iPhone 6 or an iPhone 6P.

  I still consider. I have consulted my son and daughter. We discussed some choices. I might buy a smartphone with SIM card from a MVNO -mobile virtual network operator—. Or I might buy a mobile router and make contract 3G to 7G or more data per month. It might cost from 2500 yen to 3600 yen, it depends on amount of data.

   If I will get a Wi-Fi tablet I will use it outside.

   Usually a smartphone user pays above 6000 yen and above. I think it too expensive for me.
    I might change my SIM card currently being used. It is pre-paid and allow 1G or 120 days use by 8400yen.
     I hope 2G or 3G data per month. I will use iPhone 4 with the router. It may be a good solution by now.

   この前の日曜日、佐賀市に行った。PCデポ佐賀店で オッジオフォンというスマートフォンを買おうと思っていた。

 検討中だ。倅と娘に相談してみた。いくつかの可能性を話した。仮想移動体通信事業者のSIMカードの入ったスマートフォンを買ってもいい。もしくはモバイルルーターを買って月3ギガから7 ギガ もしくは無制限の契約をしてもいい。それだと月2500円から3600円くらいだろう。データ量によるけれど。

23 Sep.2014


the movie : "Box Hakamada case"

     From last Thursday through Saturday, our high school had the cultural festival and sports day.
  Almost all of students and teachers and clerks were having good time.

      On Saturday a lump of of alumnus came to see the sports day, especially cheer leading.

      My daughter was one of them. She came home on last Friday night.  By chance one of her friends came to Hita from her trip to Hokkaido.
She is going to Kagoshima Univ. now. It was the first time in five months we met. The girl and my daughter and I went to Ichijiku to have dinner.
We chatted about their college life. She said that she was embarrassed when she was asked directly by her English teacher after she was nodding as if she had understood.
   She said she decided to study English more earnestly.  And she talked about her trip for Hokkaido and for Yakushima. She went to Hokkaido with her friend when they were Hita high school. They visited Ahahiyama menagerie, Furano and Sapporo city.  Yakushima, she went there with her seminar mates.
     She seemed having good time at university.
     Then my daughter gave her a ride to Kokonoe town to her home.

      On the next day I worked for supporting our school nurse. There were some patients who felt sick after they put their face into flour. And two boy students were took the hospital after the “Get the bamboo”.

      On Sunday I took my daughter to Saga city on 6:30 a.m. She was to work from 9:30. She was to work both Sunday and Monday. The holidays there were some wedding ceremony at her work place.

      She decided to save money. Because she will raise her hand to apply studying abroad for short time students selection this November. If she will be passed, she will go to Austraria on Spring holiday.

      The program is called SUSAP :Saga University Study Abroad Program.  They let go the students Monash Univ,  University of Auckland, Chinese University of HongKong, Daegu Univ. and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University.

  She hopes to go to Monash University. She should study English for the examination. If she will be selected she go to Australia for four weeks. And she needs five hundred thousand yen. She estimates she might save half the money by Spring. So she asked me to pay the half. So I decided to save money too.

 After I gave her a ride to Saga city I went to Fukuoka city to see my son. Then I went to the Meiji street and Showa street. I found a poster on the glass door of  Cathedral Daimyo Church. It told the movie “Box, Hakamada case” was on screen at 5:00 in the evening. I had no business at the night so I saw the movie. The story was based on the Hakamada case. Mr. Iwao Hakamada was arrested and was framed up, then in prison for forty eight years.
  This movie was focused Mr. Hakamada and the judge who wrote the decision against his own will. His name was Norimichi Kumamoto. He pointed out the long time investigation might cause false confession.  But two of three judge stuck to death penalty. After that he regret so badly and resign his job and wonder to seek some place to die.
  I didn’t know about the story. It a was one side of struggle with death penalty. I have learned and surprised to see so many Chiristian people make effort to Hakamada false charge.

 うちの娘もそのひとり。金曜の夜帰ってきた。たまたま娘の友達が北海道旅行から日田に帰ってきたところだった。その友達は鹿児島大学に行っている。5ヶ月ぶりだ。その友達と娘といちじくで晩ごはんを食べた。大学生活について話した。英語の授業でわかったふりしてうなずいていたら直接あてられてはずかしかった、とか。これから英語ちゃんとやろうと言っていた。北海道旅行のことと屋久島へ行ったときのことを話してくれた。北海道には日田高のときの友達と行ったそうだ。旭山動物園、富良野 札幌へ行ったそうだ。屋久島へはゼミの友達と行ったとか。とても楽しい学生生活を送っているようだった。

 SUSAPーとよばれる佐賀大学の海外留学プログラムだ。モナッシュ大学(オーストラリア メルボルン)オークランド大学(ニュージーランド)香港中文大学 大邱大学校 浙江理工大学へ行ける。

 佐賀に送ったあと倅に会いに福岡市へ行った。それから明治通りと昭和通りへ行った。カテドラル大名町協会のガラス扉にポスターが貼ってあった。『BOS 袴田事件』という映画が夕方5時からあると書いてあった。夜べつに用事はないのでみることにした。袴田事件を基にした映画だった。袴田巌さんは逮捕され罪をでっちあげられ48年間獄中に捕われた。

  15 Sep. 2014