
The abolition of the death penalty

 The abolition of the death penalty

      On 29 Aug. an assembly  for  demand for the abolition of capital punishment was held at Nakatsu education and welfare center.
       At first, Mr. Tatsuya Mori told about his experience when he had been Norway for coverage.  Norwegian prison is run for  prisoners’ rehabilitation. They consider the reason why the men commit crimes is lick of  love in childhood, education, and poverty, so give them the  needs. There is no death penalty.

        Next, Mr. Masaharu Harada spoke about his experience. His younger brother was killed by his boss at that time. Though he couldn’t forgive the murderer, he went to see him. He couldn’t forgive the murder, but he didn’t want to give him a death penalty.  If  they execute a death penalty, the victim won’t revive. He established a party named Ocean to meet criminals and victims ‘ bereaved families.  After that, his wife and children couldn’t understand him and they left him. Also some strangers sent him harassment  and nuisance telephone call.

     After that, I learned in detail about  the murder case comitted   by Mr. Akihiro Okumoto  for the first time . The  lawyer Mr. Kurohara  explained.
      Four years ago, in Miyazaki pref. he killed his wife, his mother-in-law, and his son still a baby. It was hard to believe for the people who knew him well. He had been a cheerful earnest patient young man.
     He had been working for Self-Defense Force. After he resigned it , worked for a construction company. His mother-in-law was awfully unpleased about the resignation from Self-Defense Force. He worked so hard, but he was blamed for getting small income.
     His family, live in Buzen city, he couldn’t take his son to there. His parents usually sent him rice and vegetables. One day his parents came to see him and their grandson, they gave them babywear  handed down. His mother-in law was angry and blamed him badly that his parents gave second-handed closes not new.  When he had come home there were no meal, he ate the rice put as the garbage, he ate half and brought as next day’s lunch the half.
     His mother-in -law had been abusing him repeatedly. On one day, she hit his head many times speaking ill of his parents, and his hometown. It beat  him with an emotional punch. She said to him he may divorce if wanted but she would demand plenty of reparation from him.
  He was driven at a corner by the relationship with his mother-in-law. He was doing double-work for getting more money. He was thinking committing suicide or absconding. But he was afraid  that his parent would be demanded money, so he couldn’t.
      Worse, in those days before the criminal, he worked long time every day and continuously slept about four hours.  The scolding was a trigger for him to kill his whole family. Since his mental condition was not normal, he didn’t remember what he had done.

     At Miyazaki district court, where lay judge participated the final judgment, which was death sentence. The judgment of High Court was also death sentence. The lawyer, Mr. Kurohara said he would declare final argument at the Supreme Court at 8 September.
      I was touched by his sincerity.

      The wife who killed had a younger brother. The man lost his sister, his mother, and his nephew all at once. Before long he lost his grand mother.
To think about him I don’t know what to do.
      But I’ve heard he took part in the assembly. He submitted to the Supreme Court to the case back to the original court. We heard the letter read aloud.
  I don’t know about  the triumvirate within the legal realm, the courts, public prosecutors offices, and bar associations, anyway if the Supreme Court return this case to the Miyazaki district court, it means the death sentence will be suspended.

       There were many people in the hall. Many people were hurt.
      Mr. Okumoto’s mother attended there, she said she had learned that the situation she felt hard even just  standing at four years before. She completely regretted  that she should do this or that for him.

     Everybody can be a murderer or a victim depending on the  situation. It should not allow the sin done by him, but many people crave the death penalty to be avoided.

         What should I do not to occur such a tragic criminal. Is it need to learn how to negotiate somebody against me?   Recently, they say the communication skill is important for finding jobs, It might be a good skill for rescue lives.

  8月29日 中津市教育福祉センターで死刑廃止を考える集会があった。
  森達也さんはノルウェーに取材に行ったときのことを話した。ノルウェーの刑務所は罪を犯した人を社会に復帰させることを目的としている。罪を犯すのは 幼少時に愛情が不足していた、教育が不足していた、貧困 の3つの大きな原因が考えられる。だから欠けていたものを与えようという考えだという。死刑制度はない。


  本当にこういう辛いことが起こらないようにするにはどうすればいいのだろう? 他人と意見が合わない場合の交渉のしかたについて学ぶことが必要なのだろうか? 最近は就職活動のためにコミュニケーションスキルが大事だと言うけれど、自分の意見を相手にわかってもらうための交渉術を身につけることが命を救うことになるかもしれない。

  Aug. 30  2014


a meeting of the faculty supporters' association

  Today, I went to Saga city and Takeo City.
   The main purpose was to attend the annual meeting of Saga Univ. Agricultural faculty supporters’ association. It was to start at 1:00 p.m.
  Add to this, I should go to my daughter’s place to bring some belongings she left behind last Friday and some food.  She would leave home  for studying camp around 9:00 a.m.  Therefore I must reach there before 9:00 a.m.
  I thought I had enough time to go to Takeo municipal library. It took about one hour from Saga city to Takeo city. I visited Takeo municipal Library for the first time.
  It was very comfortable, a little smaller than I expected. I stayed there for about one hour, then went back to Saga city to Saga Univ.

    I went to the building of agricultural faculty, there was a reception desk, where I told them my daughter’s grade and name.  They gave me a sack of rice grown by students.
    There were about fifty or sixty people who looked like parents and about twenty or thirty officials and teachers.
     The teachers introduced themselves, then a teacher who deals with career counseling explained the results of last graduates’ employment examination. He told that 99 percent of job candidates have got their jobs.
      Then we heard the statement of accounts and the budget of this fiscal year.
      After the meeting, parents who had asked interviews with their sons and daughters’ tutors were divided into some groups and were guided to another rooms.
  I was lead in a professor’s office. There were three mothers to talk with the professor. One of them was a mother whose son was senior, the other was a mother whose daughter was sophomore, and me, my daughter was freshman.
     The professor was cheerful and likable.
     At first he talked us all about the course selection system generally. Then he made interviews with each by turn.
     There are two department in the agricultural faculty, Department of Applied Biological Sciences and Department of Environmental Sciences. My daughter entered the Department of Environmental Sciences.
    I’ve known there are three courses in this department, Environmental Conservation,  Agrobiology & Agro-Production Systems, and Rural Development.
    He said in the Environmental Conservation chairs students study physics, mathematics and chemistry, in the Agrobiology & Agro-Production Systems chairs they study about microbes, plants, and livestock, or how to sustain biotic resources. He said it was the small-sized agricultural faculty. In the Rural Development chairs they study economics,sociology or business.
    Freshmen choose their course in the end of the fiscal year, and in the second half of sophomore they are assigned to professors’ offices. If adjustment is needed, it made by students’ academic achievement.
    He said, “Students may pass the examination only if they attend classes and study properly, but rarely there are students who start living alone and can’t attend morning classes and drop out”.
    And he added about the entrance examination to graduate school, it depends on English score, and if students hope to get jobs, English is important also.
    He told me about studying abroad. In the Rural Department some students go to Bangladesh and research a village where the well water was contaminated by Arsenic.  In the Agrobiology & Agro-Production Systems there is the exchange study with a Korean college.
Saga Univ. students go Korean college and Korean students come to Saga Univ.  He said students get along well together.
   I hope my daughter will study abroad for a while if possible.
   I’ve never expected an interview with university teacher. Recently universities are promoting to be nice to students and their parents.

 今日 佐賀市と武雄市に行った。
 生物環境保全学の講座では物理や数学や化学を勉強する。 資源循環生産学の講座では微生物や植物、家畜について勉強し、また、生物資源をいかに循環し持続するかを勉強する。先生はミニ農学部のようだとおっしゃった。地域社会開発の講座では経済学や社会学、取引などを勉強する。

 25 Aug. 2014


Any Day Now

   Today I’ve seen a movie. I’ve been keen to watch this.
   Its title is “Any Day Now”.
   A boy named Marco, who is a son of a drug addict mother. He is under tough circumstance.
   The man next door has noticed Marco’s tough situation. He persuades his gay partner to adapt Marco.
   They apply to adopt Marco, but court has refused because of discrimination to gay.
   In spite of the two men and Marco’s love, they have not allowed to live together.
   Unfortunately Marco has died after wandering for his true home.
   I have impressed. In this movie there’s a distinguish teacher. She deals with a special education class. She says she is not interested in the students’ parents sexuality as same as their financial situation.
  This sounds very common, but I guess it is rather hard to live with this motto. I respect her.
  Why the authority don’t allow gay couple to adopt a child? It depends on the common sense or average perspective of the society.
  If the case occur in Japan?  Is it allowed?  I don’t know.

 I saw this movie at Hita Cinematheque Liberte. A couple of months ago I noticed this movie was being shown at Oita city. But I couldn’t go then. Today at last I’ve seen it. It is so excellent.
 The actor who played Marco and Rudy were especially attractive.
I remember “Precious”, “The adventures of Priscilla”, and “what’s eating Gilbert Grape”. Partly sad and partly heartwarming.

今日 映画を見た、ずっと見たかった映画、『チョコレートドーナツ」を。
なぜ当局はゲイのカップルに養子を認めないのか? それはその社会の常識や平均的な価値観によるのだ。
もし日本だったらどうなるだろう? 認められるだろうか? わからない。

13 Aug 2014