
the Plum blossom festival

On 8 March Saturday, I woke up earlier than usual. I took my daughter to Hita bus center, where she would take the 5:30 bus to Fukuoka airport.
On that day she flew to Singapore, she arrived at there around 15:00. Then she get on the plane to New Zealand at 20:00 to arrive at Aukland airport on the next day.
 She got to the host family’s place. It is a family of four, two of them are students. She is so pleased to see that.

On 9 March Sunday, my residents’ association held the plum blossom festival. I went to the Furuyadai plum field to prepare it at 8:00 a.m. It was fine. We set chairs and tables, some equipment for food stall.
It started at 11:00 a.m. I left there at 11:00 a.m. for Gowa community center.
I have learned reading picture books for these months. They held another festival at the community center. The Book reading group was going on stage. So I participated it.

We read aloud the “Fox’s payphone box” Written by Toda Kazuyo. It is the story of a mother fox and a child fox.
A mother and child fox lived, they loved and cared each other. But one day the child fox died suddenly.  The mother fox was devastated her grief.
She happened to see a human boy calling to his mother in a payphone box. That boy reminded her the child fox.
One day she had known the payphone box to be withdrawn.She disguised herself as a payphone box lest the boy get disappointed.
The boy talked with his mother happily then left. The boy talked that he would move the town near the hospital his mother in.
That made the mother fox’s mind upset. After a while she got into the original payphone box.At that time the light of the payphone box started to light.  The mother fox unhook the payphone to call her own child fox. She couldn’t get through. But the mother fox felt warm.
Though she didn’t notice, the light got brighter and brighter as if the last effort had made it. She revived.

After I read book, I returned to the plum festival.The stage was still continued. I worked at a grilled chicken stall.
Around 1:00 p.m. the festival had finished, then we cleaned up the place. The officers had a drinking party.

3月8日 土曜日 いつもより早起きした。5時半発福岡空港行きのバスに乗る娘を日田バスセンターまで送って行った。娘はその日シンガポール行きの飛行機に乗り15時ごろ着いた。それから20時のニュージーランド行きに乗り翌日オークランド空港に着いた。

3月9日 日曜日 地元自治会が梅まつりを行った。ふるや台梅園に朝8時に行った。天気は良かった。椅子やテーブルを並べ食べ物を売る準備をした。



14 Mar. 2015

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