
The theatricallized biography of Matsushita Ryuichi

On Feb. 7 Suturday, I went to Nakatsu Culture Hall to watch a play. Its title was "About seagulls come" . It was a drama described the life of Matsushita Ryuichi who was an ex tofu maker and an author.
Mr.Matsushita gave up to go to colledge because of supporting his family, and succeed to the family buisiness tofu maker.While he worked as a tofu maker, he was married a young lady named Yoko who become a nice spouse, he wrote tankas, and the book collected his works became a best seller.
He became famous suddenly, and got prize or he was offered to do a lecture. But he disliked to be labeled as a model youth. He wished to think by himself and to take up society, then he decided to quit his business and become an author.
Meanwhile there was a plan of development Suounada ( the sea between Yamaguchi Pref. and Oita pref.) including his home town. It was to bury the sea and pollute environment. He started a movement against the plan.
Though there were many people who blamed him without turning a hair, he and his comrade were continued to appeal that it was our duty to conserve the sea and nature and succeed them to future generations.
They sued the government for not to give license buriing the sea, with studying the legal proceedings by themselves.
They had another trial. Because on the day the construction had started, his best friend was arrested in the protest rally. Recentry I've known the concept "lawful excuse" ,but to my regret at that time of 1979 the concept was not recognised widely. Also the environmental right which they suggested was not recognised. They had desparate fights. He passed away in his age 67 in 2004.
He was poor in his health but strong faith. He had been having conscience, left many beautiful works, and had told us the worth to saying "NO" for the greedy development.
I respect him truly and I'm grateful to show me how to live as a responsible citizen.

2月7日土曜日 中津文化会館にしばいを見に行きました。タイトルは『かもめ来る頃』というのです。元豆腐屋で作家になった松下竜一さんの生涯を描いた演劇でした。
 自分達で法律を勉強しながら国に対しに埋め立て差し止め訴訟を起こしました。他にも裁判がありました。着工の日、抗議行動の中で親友が逮捕されたからです。近頃、合法的酌量(正当行為)という概念を知りましたが、残念なことに1979年当時その考えは広く理解されていませんでした。それに彼らが提起した環境権も理解されませんでした。彼らは厳しい戦いを強いられました。彼は2004年 67歳で亡くなりました。
# lawful excuse については http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/climate-kingsnorth-trial050908 など勉強になりました。
Feb.8 2009

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