
An impressive lecture

On 27 July, I went to listen a lecture by Ms. Minako Saito.
         First, she told about corporal punishment at schools and sports association.
       Some people think that corporal punishments are needed in training.
        She said before world war 2 there had been no corporal punishment at schools. During and after the world war 2, the way of maritally training was added to  schools.   People used to the relationship of control - controlled.
   Contrary to the fact, there are laws which ban violence. The Child Abuse Prevention Act.(2000) The domestic violence prevention act.(2001) The guidelines of power harassment.(2012)
       Second, she concerned about the statement by Mr. Tohru Hashimoto that the comfort women were necessary.
  He said the country which had comfort women is not only Japan. But Ms. Minako Saito said such countries were Japan and Germany. In regards to another country, there were prostitutes, but the government had nothing to do with it. The soldiers were allowed to take leave for refresh. Japanese soldiers were not given a holiday. So the army provided comfort women.

       Third, she forecasted the Abe cabinet will promote to revise the constitution during coming three years.
    I'm so worry. During Abe's first team,which started in September 2006 and ended a year later, he passed the National Referendum Law.
    Now he dominates both houses. He wants to win constitutional revision, editing the Renunciation of War chapter.
     I can't understand why the amendment is needed. The majority may be same as me.
    Add to this issue, I'm worry about he will restart the now-idle nuclear power plant. I've known the public opinion at the poll of election. The majority of people are against restarting the power plants. However LDP won the election.

      On 8 July I listened Ms. Kanko Akagi. The lecture abotut books was so impressed. I met two excellent lecturer this month. I'm so glad.

    7月27日 斎藤美奈子さんの講演を聴きにいった。
  その現実に反して、暴力を禁止する法律がある。児童虐待防止法.(2000) DV(ドメスティックバイオレンス)防止法。(2001) パワーハラスメントのガイドライン.(2012)




  29 July 2013

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