
IKEDA Kayoko's lecture

 On 18 Oct.I went to a lecture of Ms. IKEDA Kayoko, which was held by Hita talented women club.

         In the beginning of her lecture, she told us why she put on a purple outfit. She explained it was for LGBTs' human rights action.
   Purple is the color mixed blue --which has mannish impression-- and red --which has feminine impression.
  ( It was difficult to understand and agree.)

   That's why purple is a symbol including male, female, gay , lesbian, bi-sexual, and trance-sexual.  October 18 is Sprit -day which encourage LGBTs.  She said.

      She talked about girls live in Nepal. In Nepal girls had not been able to go to school, and forced to marriage in their teenage. Because of poverty.
  But after U.N. began to support the school meal, girls has started  to to to school. It is so good not only for girls themselves but also for society.  Educated girls will promote economic growth and correct politics.
 She said when the sanitary conditions were bad many women were killed in birth and babies were easily dead before three-years -old. That were great distress. So men dare to say ”women and children”、as if they look down on.  It was a method to recover their grief hurry.

   I am regret she had no time to talk about LGBT.  She just talk that if there was a hundred villagers, ninety person were heterosexual  and ten person were homosexual.
    I can realize it. But I want to know what is the urgent issue.
    Is that the prejudice which suffer sexual minorities?  Or the marriage system?   In Japan is equal marriage possible or not ?
    I have no gay or lesbian friend or acquaintance, or just they have not let me know?  I don't know what annoy them most. I don't know what should I do.

     If there will be an another lecture about LGBTs' human rights, I wish to go.


 講演の初めになぜ紫の服を着てきたのか話した。レズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・トランスセクシャルの人々の人権を守る運動だと説明した。紫は青ー男性っぽい印象ーと赤ー女性っぽい印象 の混じった色。(これは理解も同意も難しかった)


  性的少数者に体する偏見なのか? 結婚制度なのか? 日本では同性婚はできるのかどうか?
  私にはゲイもレズビアンも友達も知り合いもいない。それとも知らせてもらってないだけ? 何が一番彼らを苦しめるのかわからない。どうすればいいのかわからない。


   20 Oct. 2013

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