
About jobs in the future

My third eldest son who is third grade in junior high school is going to take the entrance examination of high school soon. At his junior high school students are preparing for the exam.
My second eldest son who is second grade in senior high school will take an entrance examination for university next year. But he is studying little. Perhaps he doesn’t have a purpose.
I wonder how will be the employment market when they would graduated from schools. I hope them to be able to eat three square meals and sleep under the roof. Which field is promising?
Recently U.S. looks like going to change the way of administrating. How about Japan?
The jobs which will be remained in nation after globalization and downsizing of companies might be carework and medical service.
And food production, because lately some problems caused by offshore of food have been revealed.
Mankind can’t live without eating food. I want to buy food from cooperative which I can trust as much as possible. I want to buy rice and vegetables grown by farmers independent from control of chemical fertilizers or agro-chemicals or manipulated seeds companies. I want to buy meat from family farm. I think sustainability is important also in agriculture. To promote sustainable agriculture, the marketing system is important. About this field there are many demand to be improved, I wish my sons to learn basic knowledge.
I have read the “NewInternationalist Japan No.106 “ . I’ve learned agriculture in Japan have been prevented to develop by Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.
Maybe politics or diplomacy is the matter. I wish to study not being behind my children. For the other day Mr. Yoshida has taught us about no-tilling farming. I wish to try it someday. But last summer I failed to grow cucumber. It is really difficult to grow crop.

高2の2番目の倅は来年大学入試を受けるのですがほとんど勉強しません。たぶん目的がないのでしょう。彼らが学校を卒業する頃どんな雇用市場なのでしょう? 3食きちんと食べられて屋根のある所に寝ることができるといいのですが。どんな分野が有望なのでしょうか?
 最近アメリカ合衆国は体制を変えていくようです。日本はどうでしょうか? グローバリゼーションとダウンサイジングにより国内に残るのはケアワークと医療かもしれません。

Jun 25 2009

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