
"Food basket" for Gaza

"Food basket" for Gaza

My second eldest son bought a memory stick of 16G. For he has no credit card, he paied me the money and I orderd it to Amazon instead of him.
As he has done New year card delivering work, he 's gotten the wage on the day before yesterday. It is his first received wage in his life. He bought a menory stick as a memory. It's a little funny. He hoards the money left over.

I wish I had more money. The Green-coop, the cooperative I belong to, is raising a fund for Gazanns who suffered shortage of food or other basic supplies. I can contribute a little money for the charity named "Food basket".
Why did the Israells kill the children? They say it was return to rocket attacks by Hamas, though Hamas haven't shoot children at densely populated civilian areas in Israell.
I wasn't able to learn from Japanese mass media. So I've read BBC site. I am impressed especially from the article "New evidence of Gaza child deaths" written by Christian Fraser. Also "Gaza: Humanitarian situation" is fascinating.
I have found out many actions protesting the assault each place in the world. I found a meeting with the movie "Rainbow" filmed in Palestina which is to hold at Kyusyu University on Feb. 11. I want to go.



 なぜイスラエルは子どもを殺したのでしょう? ハマスのロケット攻撃への報復といいますが、ハマスがイスラエルの人口密集地に行って子どもを銃で撃ったりはしていないのに。

Jan. 31 2009

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