
What is bothering me

These two or three weeks something has bothered me.
A woman co-worker in my office has a distant attitude toward me. Though she used to be nice to me last year, she shared goodies, talked cheerfully, now when I talk to her she tuened stiff. How did I make her anger? After I had started thinking, I has been feeling blue.
Perhaps it relates to that I had become a chief of unit of our labor union. Whenever I offered her the union's task --attending a meeting, answer a quentionnaire, gathering signatures --she looked annoyed. I suppose that was because she thought which I asked her would bother her. When I begged for the due of women department, she said to me she was hesiting to leave our union or not.
There were two person including her at the work, but two years ago it had decreased to one. So she became so busy. Of cource each co- worker tried to cover her work by litle, still she is so busy. I can imagine she wishes to avoid the extra task.
I hope she doesn't hate me. I said to myself "She is so busy" again and again.
I have been feeling blue for her attitude. I noticed that's because I felt resposible too much and expected too much. I have getting better.
And the Lenny Kravitz CD which my eldest son left in a CD case in my car comforted me. It remainds me the good old days.
I should keep on doing various tasks.

この2,3週間 気にかかっていました。
職場のある女性がよそよそしい態度をとるのです。昨年はおやつをわけてもらったり、明るく話しかけられたりしていたのに、今は話しかけてもわずらわしそうにします。何か気に障るようなことをしたかなあ? 考え始めると心が沈みます。
たぶん私がこの職場の組合の分会長になったことと関係しています。組合の仕事 -- 会議に出る、アンケート回答、署名あつめ --をお願いにいくといつも不愉快そうでした。やっかいな仕事がふえると思ったのでしょう。女性部の会費を集めに行ったとき、組合を脱退しようかどうしようか迷っていると言いました。

28 May 2009

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