

I went to Oita city to hear a lecture by Makoto Yuasa on 21 Sept. Antipoverty Network Oita held a meeting.
I was so expected to hear him for I've recently read "The Big Squeeze !" written by Steven Greenhouse annexed an explanation for Japanese readers by Yuasa, and "Regular employees fall" written by Mika Tsutsumi and Yuasa, those books had been stimulating to me.
He said there are government's responsibility and civil responsibility.
When temporary workers have been laid off they have to leave company-sponsored housing. The government put money into a system that local autonomous body rent houses for homeless. But no local government except Tokyo Metropolitan practice the system. All local autonomous bodies fear that a number of homeless people will gather to their prefecture if only their autonomous body would practiced it. Tokyo Metropolis is going to prepare from one hundred to one hundred fifty houses, as much as could be prepared by private organization.
While temporary workers work with few benefits or protections,regular employees have become as same as them, no raise no bonus. Fifteen million households get annual income less three million yen.
For the elderly and single mothers have difficulties in decent life, there used to be an addition to welfare provisions. But last year the addition had cut. So many people are badly off.For example when one of your neighbors has passed away you can't go the funeral without money. But for the needy three thousand yen cost one week's food, so they can't afford the obituary gift. They become to keep distance from local society. It may cause solitude death.
But after last national parliamentary election the single mothers' addition will restore almost certain.
Though we can notice the poverty, which as jobless or homeless, there are many other invisible poverty.
In case a family of four keeping with a person works temporarily, if the working person would be injured or get sick, they might lose job and house immediately. They are living on thin ice.
Mr.Yuasa questioned the audience if they recognize the case poverty or not. 1" Who living on street after lost home." More than 90 percent attendance thought the situation poverty. 2 "Who can't afford to trip with their children for a week once a year." About 30 percent attendance thought the situation poverty. What people think poverty is depends on.
In Japan survey of poverty had done till 1965 after then there is no survey , so real circumstances of poverty is need to be surveyed. Because you don't care the poverty, you can ignore the opposite question as what is quality of Life.
If the income is small, the system which deal with small expenditure must be. to increase disposable income. Human relationship often compensates for luck of income. With no immediate antipoverty measure, poverty is keeping on spread.
After Yousa's lecture various people told attendance, a victim of DV, a woman who has gone through multiple debts, a farmer, a social worker supporting homeless in Oita city.
I'm ashamed that I've known little about poverty.
Why the government skimps on aid for the needy? We have a constitution which refer the right to live decently. Almost all of us hope Poverty Free Initiative, I'm sure. I'm anxious about myself and my children. I'm not confident in the future if I would lose job, if I 'd got sick, if I 'd be cognitively-impaired et al.
I should try to do something what I can do as an individual.
I suppose the labor unions getting more important. And building community which people count on each other is also important.
Being an officer bothers me all right, I must make efforts.

 9月21日 大分市に湯浅誠氏の講演を聴きに行きました。反貧困ネットワーク大分の集会があったのです。
最近 湯浅氏が書いた『大搾取!』 スティーブン・グリーンハウス著の日本読者への解説と 堤未果氏との共著『正社員が没落する』を読んでとても刺激を受けていたので楽しみにして行きました。
仕事がない、住む所が無いといった貧困はわかりやすいですが、見えにくい貧困がたくさんあるそうです。 一人が非正規で働いて家族4人が暮らしている例では、この働き手がもしけがをしたり病気になったりしたらたちまち仕事も家も失うかもしれません。薄氷の上を歩んでいるのです。
湯浅氏が会場の人たちにこれを貧困と思うか思わないか質問しました。 1 住む所をなくして路上で寝ている 参加者の9割以上が貧困と思いました。 2 子どもと年に1回1週間程度旅行する余裕がない  参加者の3割が貧困と思いました。 人がどういうことを貧困と考えるかは相対的なものです。
 湯浅氏のお話のあと、さまざまな人 DV被害者や多重債務で苦しんだ経験をもつ女性や農業者や大分市でホームレス支援をしている社会福祉士の方などが、話してくれました。

Sept. 23 2009

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