
Entrance exams

My second eldest son has sent three applications for admission office of colleges. The exam fees are 18000 yen, 17000 yen, and 17000 yen. The subjects which he is going to take the exams are English, Japanese, social study and essay. He still needs to study but it is no use to be obsessed. I let him “Charlotte’s web” so as he study English with amuse.
As if all that was not enough to worry about.
He should go to colleges to take exams. First, on Feb. 17 he’ll take an exam at Kagoshima city. I reserved a hotel. Then I’ve found how to get there, I’ve known the bus is convenient. The SANQ pass which you can travel for three days through Kyushu cost 10000 yen. I’ll buy it and I’ll reserve high way bus, from Hita bus center to Kiyama and from Kiyama to Kagoshima central station. My son has to change buses at Kiyama. Both he and I haven’t been there. I looked out in internet. He need to cross the road through underpass. Though we often go to Kagoshima, it is the first time for him to go there alone.
I’ve heard from the hotel to the college it takes fifteen minutes by bus. I recommend him to go to college one hour before the time, and to buy and bring lunch in the morning.
Next exam is on Feb. 25 at Sasebo city in Nagasaki Pref. I had reserved a hotel since I thought he would go by himself. After then my son told me there’s a tour plan by his high school. So he put in it.
If he won’t pass neither, he is going to take another exam on March 12 at Oita city. Those Hita high school students who take this exam will go by rental bus together like a school excursion. I don’t need prepare especially.
For he has committed a blunder at National Center Test, the possibility for success is under 50 percent.
I’ve read the Hallo work web-site and some youth support sites.
And I’ve prepare the column written by Yoko Ono telling the triumph over the pain caused her husband had died on her.
I hope both he and I can learn something from the failure.

 心配ごとはそれだけではありません。受験しにいかなくてはなりません。1番目は2月17日 鹿児島市です。ホテルは予約しました。それから行き方を調べましたが、バスが便利なようです。SANQパスという3日間九州乗り放題の切符が10000円です。それを買って高速バスを日田バスセンターから基山、基山から鹿児島中央駅で予約します。基山で乗り換えないといけません。私も倅も行ったことがないのでインターネットで調べました。地下道を通って反対車線に行くようです。鹿児島には何回も行っていますが、倅がひとりで行くのは初めてです。
 ハローワークやその他の若者支援サイトを読んでいます。 オノヨーコが夫に先立たれた苦しみを乗り越えたことを語っているコラムも用意しました。

Feb.4 2010