

I've heard that the price of tobacco had been raised on 1st Oct.
On the day I was on the job to serve sea at the sports festival. I prepared and washed the cups in the kitchen of a building along the athletic ground where I rarely enter. In the kitchen I saw our principal smoking by the window. I said nothing. To have the persons obey the rule, no smoking on the school site, is not my duty but his. He should know that. He is a nice principal trusted by all co-workers. It is a shame he broke the discipline.
I have nothing to say for the smokers. There is no accounting for tastes. But I'm against if my children smoke. I've been hoping them be safe and healthy as much as possible.
If my son smoke he seems like a victim caught in evil business trap. Or I reckon he has nicotine addiction.
Though I know I should not control them after they reached twenty years old, I don't want them being sick.
  Perhaps I'm sick as a worrier about children.

10月1日から煙草が値上げしたと聞いた。 その日、私は運動会でお茶を出す係だった。あまり入ったことのない運動場の脇の建物の台所で準備と後片付けをした。その台所で窓ぎわで煙草をすう校長を見た。私は何も言わなかった。敷地内禁煙を職員に守らせるのは私の仕事ではなく校長の仕事だから。校長自身がそれは分かっているはず。 彼はよい校長で職員からも信頼されている。彼が規律を破るとは残念だ。

2nd Oct. 2010

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