
A elcture of the scientist who found photocatalysts

A lecture of the scientist who found photo catalysts

  On 19 May, I’ve heard a lecture of professor Fujishima Akira.
  He told us be aware of nature nearby.

  At first he told us his experiment he had done in the graduate school of the Tokyo Univ.
 He made a divide, which was similar to the electrolysis of water. But his device didn’t need electric power, he shone light.
He put a titanium dioxide and a platinum in water. Bubbles of oxygen came out from the titanium dioxide and bubbles of hydrogen from the platinum.
 He presented it to the public, but everybody laughed. He sent the report to “Nature”. “Nature” printed it immediately.
 After that other researchers accepted his discovery. It was the trigger of revealing photocatalysts.
 He was impressed it was similar to photosynthesis.

 In the beginning he thought it is useful to produce hydrogen. But to produce enough amount of hydrogen, you needs six times ten to the power of twenty-three photon. The sun light is ten to the power of fifteen per square centimeters.  So he took alternative method.  He began to study to use it for disinfection. It need only ten to the power of six.

 Now the photocatalysts is used for sterilization of surgery room walls, sterilization and disinfection of medical appliances, or buildings’ walls.
  He emphasized two things is needed for good research, good atmosphere, reading good books.
He recommended us many science books, especially Farady’s works.

 His lecture inspired the high school students.
  I’m looking forward to some earnest students will go to the library.


 始めのうちは光触媒を使って水素を取り出そうとした。しかし十分な量の水素を取り出すには 6×10の23乗の光子が要る。太陽光は1平方センチ当たり10の15乗だ。それで発想を変えた。殺菌に使えないか研究を始めた。それだったらたった10の6乗でいい。


19 May 2014

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