
The Exclusive Society

I've read "The exclusive Society: Social exclusion,
Crime and Difference in Late Modernity" written by
Jock Young. I've check it out of Oita University Library.
In this book the auteur explaned that the society changed
to exclusive from inclusive. I was very interested in how
did we recognize the crime under the social condition, or
why did we feel the crime risk as a risk.
Most impressive was my misunderstanding of the famous
theory "Broken Windows".
I've heard that the New York City office did the zero
trelance policy and as the result the number of crimes
decreased, which was a misunderstanding.
According to the survey from 1993 to 1996 fluctuation
rate of serious crimes were decreasing, at the city of
zero trelance, at the city of soft measure, at the city
which had not changed the measure around the term. That
shows the theory "Broken Windows" generally thought has
been fiction.
I've learned I have to be careful not to swallow whole
the infomation which I hear. So I talked to my children
this example.
And there's the other thind which I was surprised. The
crimes don't occur out of porverty. The rate of occurrence
of crime was growing in second half of 60's when the standard
of living had gone up. One of the reason is relative deprivation
feeling. We don't envy those who are in another world but
envy those who are closely related to us.
Of caurse the crimes occur variously. But it may be important
to design social construction.
To be honest I've never read the book about crime sociology
before. Nowadays as we live in social unrest, including myself
my family may be in the underclass, so I want to concider the
way to cope with the situation.
I have to teach my children to live with taking part in the
society with staying arms' length from others even if their
income is small.
Unfortunately if I would be in underclass I shouldn't hesitate
to ask for help. But if I was so indebted that I couldn't be
vigorous, I would hurt myself.
According to the auteur he recommend to think the transformative
remedy better than affirmative remedy.
He says that in the late modernity the world is precarious, the
anxiety and dissarisfaction provide depression and desire for
criticize other people. Thus he asserts that the aim shold be
deletion of relative deprivation and through the process of
coming diversity acceptable society everybody having identity
that their heart's content.
I quite agree to him,but I don't know what I can do now.
At least as I wish to let my children be diversityphobia, I'll
try to hear them carefully.

Jun. 8 2008

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