
Loveparade 2008

On 19th July I've heard about the loveparade from my first-born son. It was going to be deliveried online. The Love Parade is the biggest Techno music festival and parade in the world that originated in 1989 in Berlin. This year it had occurred in Dortmund.
I watched it by internet.There were alot of people about sixty thousand not only young people but also seniors, babies and toddlers. The stage would start ]

at 0:00am until there were parade.All audience were dancing or shaking as they liked.
The blow are the musician.
DJ Hell
Dubfire (live)
Digitalism (Dj-Set)
David Guetta
Anja Schneider
Italoboyz (live)
I watched it until 3:00am when I couldn't be awake any longer. That was my first experience to watch the Techno Rave.Including vocal various audio source were mixed,and each DJ had didifferent constructs. I preferd the Digitalism,whose piece spreaded out like adventure novels. The Anja Schneider's piece was repeating minimum unit not including variety.It was the Minimal Music, similar to distance race you got felt half awake, your mind was blown by hypnotic effect. I suppose it connect with Zen or reciting Namu Amida Butsu.
The David Guetta communicated with audience and made up united feeling like a festival.I heard it was Gabba, means companion or friend,a Dutch named after the episode that a club bouncer asked the visitors "Are you a gabba?"
The loveparede 2008 was held on the federal highway 1 directly adjacent to the Westfalenhallen under the motto "Highway to Love",for the first time in history, the "Metropolis Highway" one of the most heavily traveled roads in Germany was bloched of for the event. During the event it rained gustily but all audience seemed enjoying. It was tremendous.

 7月19日 一番上の倅から ラヴパレードのことをききました。ネットで見られるとのこと。ラヴパレードは1989年ベルリンからはじまった世界でもっとも大きいテクノの祭典でありパレードです。今年はドルトムントでありました。
ディージェイ ヘル/ ダブファイア/ デジタリズム/ デイヴィッド ゲータ/ アニヤ・シュナイダー

Jul. 21 2008

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